WOW - if you haven't seen this you need to take a look!
LIFEVANTAGE is most definitely the best Direct Sales Company with which I have ever been involved. Whether you start as a preferred customer or become a distributor you most certainly can save/earn money. I was in profit in less than 3 weeks and am feeling better now than I have done in 25 years! I have been in this industry for 35 years and never before have I had the luxury of selling a product that:
1) is unique - no-one else in the MLM world has a similar Nutrigenomics product! The Nutrigenomics industry is reported to become a multi-billion dollar industry very, very soon!
2) is protected by 13 patents so cannot be replicated;
3) is listed on NASDAQ ;
4) Actually WORKS - has tens of thousands of testimonials of outstanding results !
5) is backed by SCIENCE and validated by over 11,000 medical professionals - yet it's reported that less than 10% of the world's population have even heard of this yet! Is the ONLY ALL NATURAL product featured in PubMed (the go-to directory for Scientists and Medical Professionals when looking for answers);
6) endorsed by Erin Brockovich (who now sits on the Board) ;
7) Excellent support and customer service;
8) has a very generous comp plan!
People need support for the following reasons:
- Sleep deprivation
- Aches and pains
- Stress and anxiety
- Brain fog / lack of concentration / memory loss
- Low energy / fatigue
- Unhealthy gut issues
- Premature aging
There is NO COST to join as a distributor rather up to 34% savings ... simply choose your starter product pack be it:
I started with a Platinum for best value and maximum product range!
Check out this video: Dr Brian Dixon explains PROTANDIM - 2 mins
Ensure you click on your country of origin!
Please contact me directly for supporting collateral and join our amazing International team! We have members in nearly every opened country so our support is GLOBAL!
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