Why don't ordinary working people invest in oil?
So why don't they?
The bottom line is that only the wealthy can capitalize on this, the greatest opportunity for wealth since John D Rockerfeller stood on a New York corner giving away bottles of lamp oil.
So once again the old adage about the rich getting richer holds true - unless we can spread the word about a new investment idea being promoted by the New Oil Barons' before oil prices shoot back up to their 1014 highs and the opportunity disappears, that is.You are probably too young to remember the Beverly Hillbillies TV series that ran from 1962 to 1971 featuring a man named Jed. A poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed. Until one day he was a-shootin' at some food, when up through the ground came a-bubbling crude. Oil that is. Texas tea!
Well the Oil Barons' opportunity is very similar except you're shooting at the moon, not the ground. And the crude oil doesn't bubble out of the ground, but gushes out of thin air in the form of free oil certificates while you're a-hollering at your friends about your good fortune.OK. So my analogy is kind of corny, But the message is so exciting I didn't think you'd mind the silly bit of hyperbolehe fact is that The Barons pays cash and oil certificates worth 1/8 of the price of a barrel - which started out at $28 last February and climbed up to $49 by the eleventh of June, and will keep on a-risin' for the next couple of years – at least.
What I didn't say in the paragraph above is that every time someone signs up as a member, they get one of those valuable paper oil drops absolutely free, and so does everyone on their upline for nine more levels. And all of those upline members also get a cash bonus.Do you get it? It's a pyramid for Cripe's sake! The guy at the top (you) gets paid cash and certificates every time someone below him (for ten levels) signs up a new member. If you recruit one new member every week, you'll be a millionaire in 14 months.
I know you are going to feel guilty about it. Just like Jed did when he moved to Beverley Hills, leaving all his old friends and kin behind. But after all, you're the guy who pulled the trigger that started the oil flowing!So now that you've learned how to make your fortune in oil, what are you going to do? After all, 30-30 bullets aren't cheap. And Oil Barons membership is twenty-five bucks a month. That's a pretty big gamble. Right?
Not really. You get one free certificate worth about $6 when you sign-up. Sign up two friends and you'll have all your money back.
What do you think the average North American adult wins with the twenty-five dollars they spend on the government's sure-loss lottery tickets every month? You know the answer without me giving you any hints.
Don't be a left-behind hillbilly, join the Oil Barons today.
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