The Super App
Im just getting started with one downline growing itself. I have 15 on the strong leg and just 1bon my weak leg. The Life leadership company has been in business since 2011. They just launched the Super app which has revolutionized there sales. Since launch, they already have over 300,000 subscribers and a 95% retention rate so far. Members of the sales team can simply refer customers to the app for a good upfront residual income and grow a sales team in their network for a slower but way more leveraged income over time. We have lots of support online and plenty if experienced team members who can walk you through the process of growing your business. You can add them to your presentation calls as well as have your team go to numerous information meetings put in by your online. The product I am selling is the all in 1 super app created by Life. It is a 30 dollar subion monthly to access over 3000 self development audios 10 different topics. Leader ship, success principles, people skills etc. One of the most popular packages included in the subion is the financial fitness package that has a workbook and budget plan you can print off. This package teaches Included in the subscriotion is cash back on 300 major brand stores like home depot, lowes, best buy, chillies, applebees, Burger King, taco bell, adidas. Etc. Next, each month the customer stays on the subion, they get $30 worth of trip credits through on hotels, flights and car rentals. Also within the app is an online portal to additional products that can be purchased online. Life also has other products on the app for an additional cost to help the current business you are in or to help you with growing your company within the life team. One product in particular is the accelerator audios for business owners that teaches systems thinking, leveraging and business success principles. There is a 30 day money back guarantee on the purchase the app, membership, or any other products on the app.. My signup link for customers is below. For those who want to work the compensation plan, they can upgrade to member for $20 per year after they have been a customer for 3 days. Until March 1st only, those who are serious about being part if the sales team can go to the following link and become a member instantly become a member.
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