Origami Owl
I am always looking for new people to join my team. Go here to join www.leahdombrowski.origamiowl.com Email me at the same location. We are the largest and best Costume Jewelry Company in the world! Join today and earn all sort of FREE jewelry and each month as well. We have a Force For Good each month that offers back to charities in both the US and Canada. We only use the best metals the world has to offer and each charm is hand painted and each locket, chain, earrings, and all accessories go through our 3 point test system to insure greatness.
I have enjoyed selling Origami Owl. My team is way cool too and you can be part of it! I love helping people tell their life stories for others to see. I love when a grandmother puts her story together and then her daughters and her granddaughters. I love seeing sisters put together lockets. I love seeing aunts putting together a look for their nieces. I love husbands putting something together for their wife. The bride for her party and for her mother and mother in law to be.
For me one of the best stories I have even seen was when my customer put together a look for herself, her daugher, her granddaughter and her daughter in law. She got them all a locket, a chain, their birthstones, one charm that was personal just for them, and a bracelet and earrings that all matched.
I love our Key Locket because it is so versatile. You can wear it with the key or without. You can dress any of our lockets up or down. We have our new Empowerment pieces that speak volumes to women everywhere. They encourage and show love and show strength and faith.
Our watches are way cool! I have the chocolate one. I can buy different faces to give it a new look as well as watch bands. The same with our lockets. Once you buy a set in silver, gold, black or rose gold you only need to buy faces afterwards. HUGE sales go one often. HUGE! I get a discount as a designer and that is way cool. Paid each week. I do events locally and love those a lot. I meet so many new people.
I love, love, love Origami Owl.
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