UK launch 2020
Q Sciences were established in 2012 in the USA, designed purely for the medical sector.. by 2017 the demand was so great they decided to sell wholesale to enable more people to use their amazing products. In 2020 they launch in the uk.. seeing a 40% growth rate in September alone.
This amazing opportunity to become a pioneer ambassador with a well established company is incredible.
With products ranging from hemp oil.. nutrition.. children’s range.. weight loss.. hormone based to help ladies balance their hormones.. They have a range of sprays, with a pain relief one, immunity pack, vitamins and our best seller the amazing sleep spray.
In addition there’s an amazing selection of essential oils. Energy drinks.. shake supplements.. and so much more.
The business structure has been created with their distributors in mind, creating a payment plan that is infinity deep, with no break away... a fabulous structure of building a business with a minimum of only two personal recruits. With serval ways to get paid.. and amazing bonus Scheme..
This truly is a business like no other..
Knowing the products where actually created for the medical sector first is truly unique..
And not only that, the owners care.. they take their time to work and train, and actually want to help.
So having years of experience in this industry, learning from some serious mistakes, and investing very well into personal development... I realised there was a huge gap in this industry, the network marketing industry is a fabulous business to be part of, if you have the right support and training.. this is where I saw a huge hole in the past.. I had personally left this industry with a very nasty taste in my mouth, when I was offered the opportunity to launch this business in the uk, I did some serious soul searching.. I decided to come back under one condition. And that was to build a community on my terms with my ethics and my guidance to help everyone succeed..
with all this in mind, I am also a money mindset coach helping my community overcome their lack mentality and to be able to move forward and actually begin to start earning money.
I personally have a passion.. my passion is to take everyone to the to top with me..
The question is.. do you want to come with me?
Please get in touch to find out more..
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