I put all my other businesses on hold to join this one!
Hi! My name is Cathy and I live in Lethbridge Alberta Canada. I have been in the marketing world for about 25 years now. I now have 4 online streams of income working in my favor. In mid March, I was approached by 2 very influential online marketers that are in my circle with this new business opportunity. Up until that point, I had been very reluctant to look at 'another' opportunity. I decided to take a closer look. After taking a look at the compensation plan I couldn't sign up fast enough and get to work promoting this amazing opportunity! I literally put my other businesses on hold for the time being and the rest is history.
We are Tradera and we are about to explode with momentum... momentum that most businesses never see in their existence. Tradera went from 1000 members to 20,000 members in 90 days! <-- That is unheard of in the marketing world! I personally attribute the growth to 1 -> Our compensation plan, it just can't be beat AND the low cost to join.. PLUS, you only ever need 3 people to join you and once you get your three and pay your IBO fee of $15... your account is FREE! Free until you rank up into the residual money that is paid weekly!
and 2 -> People are in NEED of a second source of income during this pandemic and Tradera is delivering at record speed.
I have a challenge for all the marketers out there. Go to Google trends and type in 'Work From Home'. See how many people out there are 'looking'. Then type in the name of the company that you are currently promoting and see how many people are looking at your company as an option. Then finally type in Tradera and see how many people are looking at our company! Statistics just don't lie! This is why I immediately put my other income sources on hold for the time being... Tradera has answered all my marketing prayers and I honestly can say that I see an early retirement headed my way!
Take a look at how Tradera is giving so many people their hope back in securing their financial future! Not only can Tradera teach you a skill set that can pay you for the rest of your life, through our educational platform... Tradera also pays us residual money. That's TWO sources of income in one opportunity. We just cannot be beat!
Take a look... a serious look, this is the BEST opportunity that is out there right now. With the company on the verge of an exploding momentum... and how the compensation plan is set up... you don't want to miss this once in a companies life time happening! You want to catch this growth wave. Don't wait to get in as positioning yourself is key to your imminent success. Click the link below and see exactly who we are and what it is we are doing to help so many people attain online success!
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