How To EXPLODE Your Existing Networking Business
If you're already in some sort of networking/affiliate opportunity that involves recruiting people, then this will speak to you much louder.
You see, we're all taught to recruit people in a similar fashion.
Start a conversation, ask some questions, offer your affiliate link, follow up.
At least that's what I've seen in many cases. And there's nothing wrong with that. If you're talking with other folks who've never touched the online business space before, it only makes sense to make that approach.
Of course the next BIG challenge awaits even if they do join you...
... is actually keeping them active on your team.
People have a tendency to join biz opps completely willy-nilly, but then disappear off of the face of the earth after a couple of months. Those are just facts.
But why is that? Is it the company? The comp plan? The upline? Maybe.
It's because many of these people suffer from a combination of not knowing what to really do and a lack of results. Some people will absolutely make it happen. Most others won't.
In order for your networking business to really thrive, you need a clear cut plan and an actual system to pass on to people so they can do the same thing for their people.
People need to know you've got more to offer to them then just an opportunity and a promise they'll make it if they just work hard at it.
But what exactly else can you offer that's outside of your existing biz opp that's going to not only retain the people you recruit, but generate you additional income streams on top of that?
Well my friends this is why I'm here and would like to introduce to you The Perpetual Enrollment Machine or PEM for short.
A little bit of explanation should help...
The Perpetual Enrollment Machine is NOT a business opportunity. It is in fact a system designed to provide networkers with additional tools and systems to pass along to their teams.
By providing you with a brand new marketing platform, a simple 5 video funnel to set up your machine and access to some of the best and affordable traffic sources the internet has to offer.
And of course promoting your opportunity up front as well.
So why does this work versus the traditional networking method?
Simply put... you've got something MANY affiliates currently don't have in their existing networking businesses. And those are actual solutions to help their teams blow up their businesses.
This is especially the case when you're dealing with other networkers who are looking for ways to grow their businesses too.
And guess what?
Even if you present this to another networker in another business, they use the system but don't shift to your opportunity? You still generate income from the fact that they're using the system you shared with them.
It's that simple.
As a matter of fact, a mentor who shared this with me, was making MORE money on this system he was sharing than what he was making off of his networking business!
That just goes to show just how powerful something like the PEM can be.
So if you're looking to EXPLODE your existing networking business, look no further as today is the day you found what's going to do it for you.
Grab your PEM here and start seeing results!
Cheers marketers and here's to your success.
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