Are you using High Ticket Affiliate Programs to fatten your pockets?
Imagine you wanted to make USD $10,000 per month.
You would need to either choose LTM (Low ticket marketing) or HTM (High ticket marketing)
LTM is products under $250.
HTM is products over $2k. (This is my fav model)
By you doing LTM - Imagine if you wanted to make $10,000 a month, you'll have to sell 100 people at $100.
By you doing HTM - Imagine if you wanted to make $10,000 a month, you'll have to sell 2 people at $5k.
Which one is easier, fun and more profitable?
The second one.
There are a lot of marketers out there that don't know High Ticket Affiliate Programs even exist.
It is a shame because they are leaving a lot of money on the table.
If you are in Network Marketing, Direct Sales or Affiliate Marketing you need to pay attention.
Most things sold online or offline at best make you a commission of $50 or less.
Let's say your goal is to make a 6 figure income, you will need to make $8,333 per month to reach your goal.
With a Low Ticket Affiliate Programs, if you are making $50 per sale you will need to make 167 sales per month or 5-6 sales per day to reach that goal.
Now if you used a High Ticket Affiliate Programs that paid you a $1000 commission per sale....keeping with the same goal of 6 figures a year.
You only need 9 sales per month or 2-3 sales per week.
Because you need less sales per month, you can reach your goal with a lot less work.
So for people starting out, this is perfect.
Would you rather sell 167 products or 9 products per month?
And guess what it takes about the same amount of effort to move a high ticket product as it does a super low one.
The trick is making sure you are promoting your program to the right people.
So here's the bottom line..
If your goal is financial freedom and you want to get there super fast then you must consider HTM or promoting products and services that have high paying commissions.
I know a High Ticket Program that the average rep earns between $500-$1,100 per sale!
And guess what 99% of marketers out there have no idea this company and product exists!
It's a product/service that most people want and need...
Do you want to know what it is?
>> Click Here To See It <<
See you soon!