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A Series Of Fortunate Events

"If I see one more 'motivational' quote meme, I'm gonna lose my shyte."

That's what I told my muse and life-partner Rockit the other day.

I'd gotten caught up in the endless parade of drivel that qualifies as 'Value!' to most inept and hopelessly deluded 'marketers' you'll find on so-shill media nowadays.

And so, being a can-do and will-do type o' guy, I decided to do something about it.

You're reading Step 1. 

I'm gonna share a little secret with you. Lots of 'em, to be more accurate. I'm gonna chronicle my adventures with my newest training (available to all at the low, low price of free) and share my thoughts and feelings as I go through it.


Because I've had as much as I can take of the crapola dished out all over the interwebs that poses as useful information. But it's really a manifestation of procrastination. 

"Look, Ma! I'm marketing!"

Not so fast, Scooter.

Simply posting something on your Flakebook page doesn't mean you're marketing. It just means you've wasted the precious little extra time you had in your busy day to further clutter up everyone's newsfeed with yet another pointless post.

It not only isn't valuable, it only serves to distract other would-be internet bazillionaires from doing what they should be doing - finding people who are interested in what they have to offer and making sure those people get it.

I have a different approach.

I'll start at the beginning, which is building a solid foundation for your soon-to-be profitable venture. 

If you've been online for anything close to a year, but you're still not raking in some serious cabbage, you're missing something. 

Usually it's one of the critical basics that most 'Get Rich By Tuesday In Your Underwear!' types miss completely on their way to broke.

I know, because I found out the hard way.

A couple of years ago I decided to go backwards step-by-step thru my entire marketing system. I kept tossing stuff out to find what was working. 

I finally took it down to the simplest of marketing funnels. I saved a ton of munny I'd been wasting on tools and software I wasn't making any hay with, and found out a ho' lot about running a lean and mean marketing machine.

I also discovered there was another level below that.

The foundation required to not only build a successful business, but if catastrophe strikes and you have to start all over, you'll have a framework and bedrock to rebuild on.

That's what this series is all about.

If you're interested in following along, shoot me a message here on MLM Gateway.

This idea is so new I don't even have a link yet.

Stay tuned for more coming soon. 

It'll be lots of fun, and you'll pick up some nuggets you can use right away.

Until next time, 

Venture Boldly.

Dave Kotecki
aka The Marketing Mechanic

This article was published on 16.08.2021 by Dave Kotecki
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