Unlock your financial freedom today!
LiveGood is an American direct sales company that helps people earn extra income. You can earn up to $2000 per month in passive income without recruiting anyone and way more if you decide to build a team.
NOTE: Recruiting is optional but highly recommended because it has more potential earnings.*
1.) 50% fast start bonus ($25 per referral) on first generation. 10% earnings from second generation down to 10th generation.
2.) $16,383 residual matrix bonus up to the 15th level (all members in your team, irrespective of who enrolled them)*
3.) 50% unlimited matching bonus from those
you directly enroll.
4.) 50% product retail commissions
5.) Up to 100% influencer bonus
6.) 2% diamond pool bonus
7.) 0.05% Crown Diamond Bonus pool
1.) It costs a one-time payment of $49.95 to become an affiliate of LiveGood.
2.) To maintain your position in the matrix to earn passively, all members must pay a monthly membership fee of $9.95.
3.) LiveGood has the most affordable gmp-approved products in the health and wellness industry.
4.) The five ranks in LiveGood are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. The higher your rank, the more money you make monthly as shown below when your matrix is totally filled up.
Unranked $2,047.50
Bronze $4,095.50
Silver $4,095.50
Gold $8,191.50
Platinum $8,191.50
Diamond $16,383.50*
5. Commissions are paid weekly on Thursdays, except matrix commission which is paid monthly.
Disclaimer: Potential income is based solely on one’s efforts, this is not guaranteed and is just to show what’s possible.
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