Build a business and save the World's most vulnerable children?
Are you aware that the worlds fastest growing crime is human trafficking? Kidnapping children as young as 2 yrs old and turning them into sex slaves? And did you know that you can help by supporting the organization Operation Underground Railroad? Operation Underground Railroad, O.U.R., sets up rescue operations where once victims are rescued, a comprehensive process involving justice for the perpetrators and recovery and rehabilitation for the survivors begins. This where you can build a business that will support these children when they are moved into the aftercare homes.
When you become a Social Business Partner with Alovea with every product order placed for yourself you will also provide a months supply of the highest grade, Immune optimization, nutritional supplementation known to mankind. And when you begin to build your Team the ripple begins to spread and grow meaning that more children will be provided some as well.
I learned recently of an orphanage that was a cover for this evil movement of children around the world. They had kidnapped 28 children and each one had a price tag of $16,000. And this is not happening in just 1 country. This is happening all over the world.
Would you believe that this year, 2020, due to the mandated mask wearing because of the Chinese covid-19 flu more children than ever have been kidnapped in the United States?
Your help is needed. Initially Alovea’s life changing supplements were provided to orphanages around the world as every 6 seconds a child dies of malnutrition. That equates to 6 million per year. Now that we have begun to partner with O.U.R. and we are now providing this world renown nutrition to their aftercare homes the need is quickly growing. As more and more organizations hear of Alovea’s products and program of providing to the world’s most vulnerable children and we begin to collaborate with them the need will be greater and greater.
If you are looking for a home based business that will make a difference in the world I would ask you to reach out to me and check us out. If you are working with a network marketing company and only interested as a customer I will not force the business on you. Customers and Affiliates, who do not want to build a team of teams, are as welcomed as Social Business partners.
Would you please consider working with us?