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The Post Amazon Disruption and why it Matters when choosing a MLM Business.

"Amazon", everyone knows about it, most people use it and few have stopped to think how it's impact has completely disrupted not only traditional retail, but the entire mlm industry as well. The last MLM company i was with for 10 years in the physcial precious metals industry. I was Very good at what i did as the Master Distributor over 25 countries. I did it with integrity and with passion. But non of that matters when your products are being sold on the internet, found by a simple google search that goes directly to Amazon where people can purchase the same exact products "from your mlm" for the same or far less then I could offer it direct from my own company. 

Today Millions of good people are sincere in thier desire to build a large network of consumers with hopes of creating true, sustaibale, long term residual income. But how are they going to do that in a post Amazon world filled with very fierce price competition which is causing major attrition in our mlm businesses?

I can't tell you how many times i've heard something like this:

 "I looked up your products online and found them for less on Amazon or Ebay".

How frustrating is that to do all the work, contact the prospect, share the information just to have them go purchase your mlm product for less on Amazon. People need to wake up fast. It's impossible to retain customers long term in MLM if people can get the products for less on Amazon. The dream of residual income gone with the wind. That's real talk and no way to convince me otherwise as i'm talking to people everyday dealing with this. So what's the solution to this HUGE UNIVERSAL PROBLEM? Glad you asked: REAL VALUE!

Who are we kidding today. This isn't the 80's and 90's anymore my friends and people are tired of the MLM crap. The consumer is smarter now, with information literally at thier fingertips at light speeds. Yes it's true our industry has been massivley DISRUPTED and like it or not, if your still trying to sell people products they normally wouldn't use, at prices they wouldn't normally pay and at volumes they wouldn't naturally consume your in need of a newsflash: STOP! There is no real residuals in that model anymore. That's just the REALITY of the current enviornment. Why would we think it would be? I don't want to purchase $20 toothpaste, $50 bottles of juice, or $150 DNA derived vitimans do you? I also don't want to overpay for the new and trending "sizzle" products like CBD oils for example. These are products that have MAJOR competition that's only going to get more fierce and after the sizzle fades the only thing left will be a mass attrition as your cusomters shop for the lowest prices online. There is a saying in my group: "Sizzle Isn't Residual"! So it beggs the question What is???

When i was first introduced to my current company i was very skeptical and frankly done with MLM. Totally burnt out and just ready to go back into the job force as i watched time and again the business i built disinigrate through mass attrition and overpriced mlm products.  These are REAL problems and everyone knows it. So what is out there that makes sense, that works and that if worked professionally can make a difference in lives?

Allow me to share some data. There is a formula called the 12 success factors that a company must have in place in order to be  a viable and legit opportunity for the long term. Here is what they are.



• Most companies fail within the first 5 years

• 30+ years of consistent growth


• 100% debt-free

• Never been late sending out commission checks


• Most home-based companies’ owners are MLMers and own the downline; they know they have a short window to make their millions and move on

• The result: most companies make decisions to make themselves wealthy at the expense of their customers’ futures

• Corporate leaders must come from Fortune 500 companies like Revlon, Schick, Ohio Bell, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, Bristol Myers-Squibb, Cox Communications, and UPS, which equals sound business minds running


• Consumer chooses the brand, which creates the residual income

• Very High and "Documented" monthly reorder rate

• Company proud to show its Business Report


• No new money—no need for a budget change— simply switch stores

• Large offering of products allowing anyone can be a customer


• Annual membership must be very low

• Enroller is not paid bonus on fee

• Come in the “right way”—not buying inventory, just shopping every month for the products you need and use


• In most companies if the customer didn’t order, they quit; this is not a signup game, this is long-term

• Customers will retain their membership if there’s enough value in the prodcuts and services


• Must be a best-kept secret

• Less than 10% of North America has even heard of the company, no bad news, no one gets hurt

• Not in a hurry, not looking for shortcuts—build business brick by brick

• Green: manufacturing responsibly long before it was popular—sitting squarely in the driver’s seat of supply and demand


• Never penalized for bringing in someone better than you

• Your organization can never be taken from you

• Most companies use Binary Plans—which really go against business principles and reward the non-producer in order to get paid


• Everything is fully refundable • No one can get hurt

• Safe place

• Something anyone can do 

• Management team is principle-centered and mission-driven

• No hype only substance of integrity and “solid principles”


• Manufactures superior-quality, safer products protected by trade secrets, proprietary formulas, and patents—products that are not available anywhere else and can only be obtained through the company

• You don’t need to create the “need” to buy  becasue the products are products people are already buying; in other words, it’s money they are already spending

• Monthly consumption of household basics creates ongoing, residual income


• Price point is supermarket or lower and when compared on Amazon is selling for much more not less

• Smart economics—great value in being a customer

• Manufactures its own products—complete control of quality; recession-proof

Hopefully some of this resonated with you. It absolutley did for my wife and I and im looking forward to sharing it with anyone open to a real buisness that is not MLM. We are currently on-boarding 100,000 new memberships per month and we are the fastest growing direct selling home business in the country. We have solved the AMAZON issue and have millions of satisfied customers.

If you want to learn more with a No Obligation connection i'd love to share what we do and who we are to see if this resonates with you. Please opt in to watch this short 13 minute educatinal video on the current state of the home business industry and ill contact you back to see what you liked best about what you learned.

Sincere thanks for your time and i look forward to speaking with anyone sincere in finding something real. 

This article was published on 26.07.2019 by Adam Di Mora
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