philanthropy using latest technology
As you now 1% of the top people control more than 50% of the total when we talk about philanthropy we generally tend to associate it with the elite 1%. The middle class never stood a chance to take part in it!!!!
However things are changing with advent of new technology.
People worldwide need three things to drive them forward to do something new. First, they need HOPE in an idea or vision that inspires them to move forward. Having enough belief in the idea to act upon it is imperative for results. Second, they need to know HOW to make their hope reality - which propels them into making their hope become real in their life. Third, they need to understand WHAT IS IN IT FOR THEM.
Up2Give is a platform built upon people helping people that brings about a synergy of love and compassion. Let me give you an example of how that might look in real life. Imagine yourself in a situation where your family member is in desperate need of expensive hospital medical services. But, there just isn’t enough money to take care of everything.
Fear and worry quickly set in. You ask yourself, “What’s going to happen if I can’t pay for everything?” You wonder, “Is there any place we can turn for help?” Questions like these raise all kinds of anxiety for the family.
Out of desperation, you might ask family or friends for help. You might enlist your church to host a fundraiser or garage sale. You might even try social media sites to raise awareness.
When you use Up2Give’s platform, you will realize right away that everything necessary to start making your situation better is available. You will see that using Up2Give’s platform will give you the HOPE necessary to meet your needs.
It’s all possible because Up2Give is a Global Platform that enlists the help of people all over the world. It drives them to see your cause and motivates them to give to that cause.
The heart of Up2Give is the Matrix. It is the driving force behind people helping people - not only giving - but receiving as well.
Up2Give’s engine (Dynamic Software, People, and Services) was created so that everyone involved can benet from giving and receiving. It’s all done through a peer-to-peer network which allows you to give directly to another’s cause - and which allows others to directly give to the Cause which you are passionate about!
With Up2Give’s platform, we offer our members 4 distinct benefits:
1 We use philanthropy for creating a culture of worldwide giving.
2. We reward those who give while teaching them the value of compassion and personal growth.
3. We offer banking to the unbanked through our giving platform.
4. We create a social revolution of success with uplifting stories of people whose needs and causes have been met through the Up2Give community.
Up2Give has the ability to make a big difference in anyone’s life - no matter their background or where they live.
It’s not necessary to understand how the system works, just know that it does. Just as we know our cars start when we turn the key – or the stove heats when we turn on the burner – know too that Up2Give’s Platform works, and the Company’s Dynamic Software, Services and Leadership are here to help you achieve your causes and goals.
for more details you can reach me at or email me on
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