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Are you a Gloried Sales Person or a True Business Entrepreneur?

The MLM business space is the one space where folks can become millionaires with a very, very small investment to start.  I have found that the 90% of people that fail in the MLM business is because they have ignored what the last "M" stands for: Marketing.  Essentially, they spend all their time Selling either themselves or their product.  Selling and Marketing are two different things. In this day and time, most people don't want to be sold.  Thus, the many "no's"  received become defeating and destroys the motivation in what was once exciting to the so called   (wannabe) "Entrepreneur."  This has been a failed business strategy from the start for a while now.  Unfortunately, this is what your "upline" still teaches you to do.  They tell you to make a list (usually out of the contacts in your phone), and then to start contacting them. Get through the no's until you get the one yes. Some even tell you it's a numbers game and produce stats that don't apply to you (1 out of 10, 1 out of 30, 1 out of 50, etc.) that will say yes.  This has caused you hardships within your own family and circle of friends. Especially, when those that claim to love and support you tell you "NO."  Those no's hurt more!  This is not good business folks!  I refused to be stuck in stupid!

A successful business does not operate this way!  They understand the important principle of marketing.  Marketing isn't easy to understand unless you're taught.  That's why there are college degrees offered in this field profession.  Businesses have marketing budgets set aside. They will cut payroll before they cut marketing dollars.  There are many strategies in marketing. You need to understand principles and purpose like branding, and targeting.  Who are you? What do you represent? How do you solve their problem?  When this information is in the marketplace, some portion of the 7 billion in population will be attracted to YOU.  Now, folks are coming to you and you are not chasing them.

In fact, many of you in this community are finding this article attractive because you've found this MLM business hard and you're even thinking about quitting this business.   This is because you need proper help!  The fact is, any business is hard if you don't have effective marketing strategies. I would even add that marketing strategies are often a moving target that you have to keep up with in current times. Hundreds of years ago, marketing started out with word of mouth. It has evolved to signs, newspapers, catalogs, billboards, to radio, to television.  Now, the hottest vehicle to market on is the internet and social media! Which again is not simple!!  You will need help with this too!  This can be a money pit because there are various strategies in this space. Many have lost a lot of money thinking that you can simply buy an AD. NOPE! Not that simple!  

You need to learn your craft and the proper skill-sets.  Below I will share a few points on what's required to use social media to build your business using free techniques. We call this attracting organic leads.  I will also invite you join my Free Weekly Wednesday webinar where we regularly teach proper effective social media marketing strategies.

These strategies apply to any business, anywhere.  You can review some foundational principles below:


ALL successful business owners embrace Attraction Marketing principles, and is built on

them… It's that simple!!


People buy products from people and brands they like and trust…

So YOU must become a person and brand people like and trust!

When you Brand YOU, you create trust, authority, and credibility in the eyes of your prospect.

ATTRACTION MARKETING: ATTRACT prospects & customers to you by adding value,

providing solutions, serving your target market, and creating content that addresses your

target market’s #1 challenges. (could be in the form of blog posts, videos, articles, FaceBook live

streams, hosting webinars, and so much more… ALL of which you are about to learn by attending my weekly webinars)

If you already have a business, think about the leaders in your niche…

• They have a following

• They serve that following by creating content & giving them value


And you need to do the same…

YOU are what is going to set you apart from the marketplace, and YOU

are your greatest asset. Nobody is like you (and that’s why they will buy

from YOU - and I’m going to prove it to you!)


This is not some cookie cutter, copy & paste, fly-by-night ‘system’… my Webinars is about building and branding YOU.

YOU are the Brand (not the products or services you offer). You have a voice, and a message… it’s time the

world hears it.

In these Webinars you are going to learn to build YOUR brand and serve your target market by creating content that addresses THEIR biggest challenges and problems. 

We develops leaders. And our Webinars will help “Brand You” and develop you as a leader in YOUR niche even if you’re brand new. More on that in just a few minutes… 


Your REAL Business: Your List of Customers & Prospects. (and the relationship you have with those customers & prospects) - What’s a “List?” 

When someone comes to your website and enters their name & e-mail, they join your e-mail subscriber “List.” 

This “List” is the #1 most important thing to an online business owner… and only one of two things you will own online.  (your Blog is #2, but we’ll get to that in a second). 

So why is your List so important?   It’s very simple: Because it is PEOPLE that buy your products & services… the bigger you build your list, and  the better the relationship you have with your list, the more money you will make in your business (don’t worry: we’re going to teach you how to build & manage YOUR list!) 


Build your Audience! Engage your Audience! Sell your Audience!

So how will these weekly Webinars tie all 3 Laws together to help YOU take Your Business to the next level, and build YOUR Dream Business? 

Attraction Marketing !  We teach Attraction Marketing in motion, and is the ONLY online solution engineered to attract prospects & customers to you IF you follow the steps! (no more desperately chasing, convincing, cold calling) 

Brand YOU -

With our platform and In just a few minutes, you will be able to set up your very own blog in 1 click with the most innovative blogging solution on the planet, and create your own offers & funnels that sell YOUR stuff & BRAND YOU! 

NO tech skills required.

We also provide Done for you offers that allow you to give away amazing value to build YOUR list. 

The best online lead-generation training every week to get leads to YOUR capture pages that you create & build your “List.” 

PLUS you get a proprietary CRM (customer relationship manager) software to build relationships with your prospects, follow-up like a 6-figure PRO, and close sales. The money is in your list! 

You are about to increase Your Value and Your Skill-Sets in a VERY big way over the next few minutes, and that is EXCITING! 

Whether you are here to…

• Earn $$$ from the 90% who say no to your business opportunity, products, or services

• Build your blog & Brand YOU

• Create your own offers & funnels

• Leverage a CRM to help you extract PROFIT from your List

• Learn lead-gen & internet marketing from the pro’s (LIVE training + a 7-figure library)

• Maybe you just want to be a part of a community that wants to help YOU grow…

All of the pieces will come together for you in this quick & simple start-up… and EVERYTHING you need is housed under this 1 roof in our platform.

We have a mantra here, and I’d like you to introduce you to it so you can incorporate it into your language immediately… 

“I’m getting better and better.”

Get better daily, and you will build the business of your dreams here.

Keep in mind that some of the wealthiest business owners you see online today started right here with our platform… And YOU can be next IF you embrace the ‘Attraction Marketing’ principles we teach!

Now let’s go create YOUR success story, and YOUR dream business!

Register NOW for FREE!! (click link below)

This article was published on 13.02.2019 by Sam Melson
Author's business opportunity:

Precious World Enterprises - Marketing Strategies, Free to join

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