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Day 4 of the 7 Biggest Challenges in Growing Your Business

In 2020 the challenges in growing any business seem to be growing. Each month I take the information that all of my new connections/Facebook fans/leads/prospects etc. share with me to better understand what the main challenges we face in moving our businesses forward. I won’t pretend to have all the answers as we are all on this journey together. What I can tell you is marketing today isn’t easy. But also remember that there is a vast difference between simple and easy. 

The answers to the biggest challenge question fit into 7 main categories. Those being:

1. Frustration with the telephone – no return calls and no one ever answers the phone anymore

2. Having the latest information on ways to grow my business. Tips, techniques, new school vs. old school ways, dealing with people’s doubt and cynicism of my opportunity and having them engage with the awesome information I have to share with them.

3. Having a consistent supply of people/leads to show what I have to them.

4. Finding people’s true pain point so I can tailor what I have to their needs and make sure I provide a solution to their pain

5. Team building. I can sell my products but can’t seem to find people that want to build.

6. Finding the right company that won’t go out of business, bow to the FTC and won’t change the compensation plan and take all of my hard-earned money away

7. Balancing work, family and business life and keeping it in harmony

Let’s take each of these challenges a day at a time.

So today, we are going to discuss finding people’s true pain point so we can better tailor what we have to share truly providing (or not providing) a solution to their problems.

All of our prospects have pain points in their lives. For the sake of this discussion, I am going to only speak about prospects that we have that already understand and like our business model, that of network marketing. (If you wish to learn more information to ONLY prospect to people that are already INTERESTED and WANTING to talk to you, message me).

Network marketers all start or will start their business for one reason, a problem that is causing some degree of pain in their life. What could this look like? Perhaps someone just needs more income. Their current job or business isn’t providing enough money to get them to their financial goals. This could be a pain point, but I will tell you that after digging deeper into this pain point, it more times than not, comes to a different pain point than just the money.

Another possible source of pain is feeling that you aren’t ready or far enough along in your network marketing journey to have anyone believe or think you are credible. 

Briefly here are a few more possible pain points people have:

1. Taking forever to rank up

2. Company goes out of business or changes the comp plan in a horrible way (takes away your money and effort)

3. Belief in products/company

4. Family/friends embarrassment or them thinking I’m nuts

At any rate, there are many pains that our prospects have. Here is THE MAIN POINT OF TODAY’S ARTICLE

If we don’t ask, dig into, further ask and then summarize what our prospect’s pain point is, we have almost a ZERO chance of them becoming a customer or team member or both. Why?

The old saying of “people don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care” HAS NEVER been truer that in network marketing. We could have the absolute best gizmo widget live to 200 products, but IT WON’T MATTER to the ears of a prospect until and unless we address their pain point AND make sure that they know we understand it.

How do we discover this pain point? We simply ask questions. No by no means am I suggesting that you make your prospect feel like they are on a job interview! Don’t barrage them with a ton of questions. Asking questions is really all about leading us to listening intently. We MUST focus on the answers that they give. We must then probe deeper into this pain point. Sometimes the best question to further help us understand and get more clarity can be as simple as “Oh?” Here are some examples (and only examples) of an opening question to help discover someone’s pain. Again, here are the four ways to discover someone’s pain:

1. Ask

2. Dig deeper

3. Ask further questions

4. Summarize

Here is how this might work when texting/chatting or speaking on the phone with a prospect.

“Tell me why you started in the network marketing arena in the first place?” This question will start the process of unpeeling the onion of pain. Now, we need to dig deeper.

“When you first started, what were the dreams or goals you had for your business?” “Did you accomplish them?” “What was one of the main reasons that held you back from getting to your end desire with your business?”

All along this process I suggest you take notes! I know this sounds a bit elementary, but by taking notes I promise you that you will be listening with understanding. You will actually hear what they are saying not only listening.

Next, we need to ask further questions. “What would it be like if you could rediscover that passion you had when you first started your business?” “Can you see yourself accomplishing your goals with your current actions and activities in your business?” “What is it that is missing in your business to get you to the goal line?

The last step is to summarize. This is incredibly important because this is where you are going to begin to build trust. This step shows your prospect that you were listening and that you understand what they have told you and how they feel. It usually goes something like this. “John, you mentioned that you started your journey into network marketing 3 years ago hoping to develop some additional income for your upcoming retirement as well as something to keep you busy after you retire. Is that right? I also heard you share some frustration with your business. You feel that you don’t have enough people to share what you have with and those that you do are almost always skeptical, correct? You also shared that if you could find a way to have people that were actually wanting to speak with you about your business instead of chasing your friends and family (or that list of 100), you would find working your business a lot more enjoyable. John have I summed up what you have told me and shared with me pretty well? Is there anything else I should know?”

Do you see how this particular type of conversation would build that trust? No one is going to do a thing with you until they know you, like you and eventually trust you! This is exactly why I believe EVERY network marketer MUST learn how to use the Attraction Marketing Solution to consistently grow their businesses. Old school ways still work, they just take a ton of time for massive results. You also have to become an “evangelist” and have or fake that you have an immensely extroverted personality that oozes charisma. (these are the 5% of successful networkers in the old school building world – most of us aren’t them!)

Want to discover what I did to eliminate rejection and have a never-ending supply of like-minded people seeking you out? Get the book that will change your business forever below.


Your pain point can and will be solved with more qualified people to talk to on a daily basis. What if I’m right? Wouldn’t investing less than the cost of a movie and a dinner out be worth learning even a small portion of how to attract people to you? We both know the answer!


Thanks for reading and if you feel that this article provided value, please share it with those that could benefit. Much appreciated.

Wesley Engbrecht

Like my Facebook page. facebook ... c.o.m. / stopchasingthem

This article was published on 28.01.2020 by Wesley P Engbrecht
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