Connecting, Sharing and Providing Value on MLM Gateway
What are you looking for on MLM Gateway? ...a business opportunity? downline members for your current business? on how to grow your business? Me? I'm looking to connect, share and provide value to the MLM Gateway community.
I joined MLM Gateway in August 2017. I found the website while searching for information on "Taproot" sponsoring in MLM (look it up on Google). I looked around the website and decided to join as a Professional member right away. I had a couple of people request connections (partnerships) and I accepted those connections. Then, I decided to request connections myself with others in the community. What has surprised me, has been the relatively low response that I have received to those requests for connections. What's even more surprising, is that a number of the unreturned requests for partnerships have been to people whose business opportunities interested me. What's up with that??
To me, the purpose of MLM Gateway is to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs in the Multilevel Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Internet Marketing spaces. Then, share your knowledge and experience with those who you meet. In so doing, each one provides value to the community. So the questions you should ask yourself are, "How can I add value to the community? or "What do I have to offer?" You have to go deeper that just using MLM Gateway to "sell" your opportunity.
Face it. Working a home business is a challenging enterprise. We all need all the help we can get to be successful. And, each one of us has to invest in and develop our most important business asset...ourselves. One of the best "investments" that we all can make is to share and provide value to others and seek the counsel of those who know more than we do. Those are the keys to success in this line of business.
So, fellow MLM Gateway members; lets connect, share and provide value to each other. I hope to hear from you soon.
Note: I am currently working on a new project; a new website (or blog) dedicated to MLM business. I plan to focus on teaching techniques for increasing sales to customers and growing your MLM organically. The focus will be on building long-term success in your business. If you would like to learn more about this project, please message me. I will do my best to reply as soon as possible.