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The Network Marketing Dream. Why Doesn't It Work For All Marketers?

For many of us, we are shown an opportunity and we are told that it's the best thing since sliced bread. The payouts, the wealth being shown and the smiling faces of all those who have made it big fill the screen and tempt us into believing that by walking away, we are giving up on our dreams and will forever walk the walk of the 9 to 5 job man. Working until we are 65 and getting a miserly pension which won't make ends meet and wishing that we had taken that opportunity all those many years ago!!

For many, joining a network marketing business is the dream ticket out of the rut they are in. Many join mlm businesses because their friends are in it and they've been asked to join as well. But did anyone of them, at any point stop and ask themselves three very important questions which I think all potential network marketers should be asking  -

1. Why am I doing this ? What is my reason? This is important as it the "WHY" which will push you to achieve your dreams and achieve your goal of financial independence. With no strong "WHY" , you have no goal, no focus and you will get disinterested and give up at the first hurdle. That's what a lot of marketers do. And then they blame the networking company, saying they made no money and it's all a scam and start spreading these vicious and totally unfounded rumours, scaring off others who had a "WHY" from joining. Others who would have become successful. Through their own lack of vision and desire to better themselves, they deprive others from achieving their goals

2. Does the product have mass appeal?  Having determined why you want to do the business, look at the product/products? Be objective. Many companies say that there is no selling involved, that "we are only sharing" but in the end there is selling. How else will you get volume?  Will the product sell? An obscure product won't make many sales, if any at all and you would have wasted your time and money. Unfortunately, we are not sales analysts? One way of testing this out is to buy some samples and gauge the interest in the products. Sample testing like this is a very good indication of general public appeal but you must know what your target market is. Also, are you comfortable 

3. What is the strength of the management team? This, in my opinion is very important. Who are the leaders, the visionaries in the company ? You don't want to join a company which lacks leadership and which does not instill in it's distributors the need to become leaders within the organisation. A strong leadership will grow the company and expand the products, giving it's distributors greater flexibility to increase their incomes. Leaders will open up new markets and are the driving force behind any successful company., people to be emulated, mentors who will guide you to the success you have signed up for.

4. How good is the compensation plan? This is the one. This is how you are rewarded. Most network marketing companies have similar compensation plans but there are one or two which stand out. If you are spending a certain number of hours working the business, you want the maximum income possible, not just at the lower ranks but as you scale the ladder to the higher more lucrative ranks. How do I get paid residual income, the income we all aim for? How may levels deep? How often? What is my commission rate? All these questions must be answered to your satisfaction.

The one reason and one reason only why all of us are in network marketing is to make money. You are not in it to save the world but if in the process of making money, you can better other peoples' lives, so much the better.

So, look carefully and choose wisely. As a wise man once said " all that glitters is not gold".

To your success


Jas Khanna

PS For a short video presentation of the business I'm in, check my profile.

This article was published on 23.04.2016 by Jasbir Khanna
Member comments:

John Lawrence Very good, I totally agree and I have something that may match all your criterias  8 years ago
Jerrythefirst Henry This is the naked truth unveiled here  8 years ago
Jerrythefirst Henry This is the naked truth unveiled here  8 years ago

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