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New MLM Oportunity currently at pre-launch ground floor opportunity

Hello, My name is Lana Sheppard. I'm proud to have recently become an affiliate for a breakthrough supplement that helps boost your cognitive function.  It's called Mastermind -- basically - it's brain food!   My daughter is a chiropractor and recognizes this opportunity as GOLD!     This product has been approved by Health Canada, it has over 300 - 3rd party studies .   Health Canada has given it 18 approved recommendations - primarly in memory performance, brain function, cognitive performance, mental focus. Along with improvement to digestion, exercise performance, promote relaxation, healthy glucose levels.    With the up and coming baby boomers and the number of people suffering from depression and ADHD to name a few, this product would most certainly help !    There are a few other products that are sold along with "mastermind" .    If you wish more information, please go to :     or contact me for further information.    I'm wanting to share  this product and will assist anyone that joins my team in sales, marketing and education.  I've been in business for a lot of years, have been presented with a lot of opportunities - and most have not met what this product has done for me.   I'm taking it, have felt and experienced the it's time to share!     

The company has partnered with CogniFit --- you can test your cognitive abilities and watch the improvements as you take the product.    Smart phone apps  have also been designed for training, marketing support, upline support, mind mastery, action stats for yourself and your team

The products  produced are Plant Based, Non GMO, Halal certified, Vegan certified and have no artificial additives.

Some of the other products include vitamins, omega oil supplement, green/berry powder and a chocolate that they have labelled sinful it's so good!!!    

I'm looking forward to meeting individuals that are interested in an excellent, pre-launch opportunity, the sky is the limit in terms of potential clients to either sell or try this product.    Contact me at:

This article was published on 07.05.2017 by Lana Sheppard
Author's business opportunity:

Lana Sheppard - Imorex - Nutrition, Cognitive, 65 USD to join

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Ed Billingham Where can I find these studies  7 years ago

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