Invest in you & your DREAMS!!!!
Before the company Herbalife Nutrition found me, I was introduced to the products 5 years prior. Myself being an ex-personal trainer & athlete I turned the opportunity down. I was introduced again to the products in Nov. of 2014. I decided to try the Herbalife 24 line & loved it. I felt more energized & was able to get through a full workout without fatiguing like usual. I then decided to try other Herbalife products & within 4 months I started seeing amazing results that I couldn't get before. I went from 190lbs to 179lbs, 14.7% body fat to 10.4% body fat, gained lean muscle mass, 36 waist size to an 32 waist size and felt amazing with plenty of energy. I loved how the products, how they made me feel & the energy I received. I decided to sign up as an VIP member because I wanted to continue using the products, plus I was now able to get an 25% discount on all my own Herbalife Nutritional products. As a bonus of getting my own health & fitness results. People around me & on social media started to notice. I started to get a lot of interest in what I was doing because of my body transformation & the energy I have. I begin giving people information on Herbalife Nutrition & how this product changed my lifestyle. Soon I was getting others started on their own Herbalife Nutrition plans to reach the goal they had set out for themselves. Clients stated getting amazing results just by duplication, focus & consistency. Because my clients was also in love with the products & getting amazing results. They signed up under me as an VIP member also & immediately started getting a 25% discount on their Herbalife Nutritional products. Now we are a growing team helping others get in the best shape of their lives with the #1 Nutritional products in the World!!!! Team Phit-Medikz is our name & we are the 1st nutritional responders to an health & fitness emergency!!! Come join this amazing Team no matter where you are located.
Benifits of becoming a VIP member
1) Instant 25% off discount on all your nutritional products & 25% profit on every order you place (imagine just placing 1 order of $100.00 per hour, that's $25.00 an hour that you get paid).
2) There is no Quota needed to be meet (Order when you like, no pressure)
3) Hit certain levels in the Marketing plan & go from 25%, 35%, 42% & 50% off all your nutritional products. Along with profiting the same amount on each order you place. (after 50% your talking Royalties, thats when the big money start rolling in. I'll explain that part at another time.)
4) So much more comes with a 1 time investment in you of $107.00 that can change your life. (It did for me & a lot of people I know)
5) Change your mindset, Change your life!!! (so much more that comes with just a $107.00 investment. The money goes towards your package that will come in the mail to your resident. The booklets on the history, business, products, plus it come with starting you on your own nutrition plan.
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