Looking for my Flight Team
Hey there! My name is Ebony and I'm a stay at home mom of six (3 boys, 3 girls), married 15 years, and I have always had an entrepreneur's spirit. So, 3 years ago I started in this business as a travel consultant. My goal was and is still to retire my husband and I, to have freedom over our life, finances and travel the world. I book travel, I do my own marketing, got a website that I paid yearly for and then something changed. Our CEO decided to make a bold move in the travel game. He partnered with a gentleman by the name of Holton Buggs and iBüümerang was born! They started a customer based travel market that allows you to get PAID when customers SAVE! Check out the interactive video here>>> www.umustsee.net/HEQ4OY <<< iBüümerang is taking the travel industry by storm!
You can get started at Standby for $49.95 a month
We have upgraded packages that includes a monthly $99.95 membership fee after the *one time fee associated.
Coach Class* We've all flown Coach a time or two and a complimentary bag of peanuts
Business Class* Business Class is has some comfort between seating and the setting has little more personal space involved
First Class* << BUT First Class is for the Exclusive. Warm towels, seats that recline into a comfy position, champagne and dining.
Choose your package, choose your business name, you get an exclusive website, Büümerangs to send to customers, awesome leadership, trainings, and more.
More ways to get PAID �
iBüümerang introduced it's mobile services with� Büüm Mobile, it's ride share service with �Vibe Ride, and it's charitable work with The Büüm Foundation! If you're not a part of this opportunity, you're missing out! As yourself 3 questions:
Where is your dream destination? Write that down and send it to me.
How much money a month will make you comfortable? Answer this and share it with me.
Can you give at least an 18 month commitment? If you said yes to this, you just have to be present and be teachable.
So go ahead click on the links above or copy and paste into your browser and see what iBüümerang is all about.
We want to see you on the beaches of the world.
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