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Earn Income 5 Ways and Join the 1% Club

My MLM story will probably sound very familiar to a lot of you. I was lured by the dreams and aspirations of firing my boss, controlling my own schedule, traveling when I wanted and spending more time with my children.  Ahhh the dreams if only they would come true lol!  My recruiter who was a good friend who was enjoying a lot of success in the business. At the time he recruited me in 2014 he was making 15k a month. I told myself if he can do it so can I. Sound familiar? Fast forward almost two years and I was active in the business but not enjoying the level of success I wanted to enjoy.  I knew I made the right decision to join this organization. I reviewed the reasons I joined below.

1. They have been around for over 23 years.

2. Their products are backed by real science and certified by informed Choice. A third party firm. Plus the products work!

3.  People were enjoying 5 ways to earn income and achieving time and financial freedom.

 So why wasn't my business doing better? The reason turns out  was pretty simple. I didn't know how to speak to people. I was scaring prospects away. Once I learned how to speak to people AMAZING results started to happen.  Let's think about what is required to enjoy MLM success.

1. Good Attitude

2.  Motivated

3. Great products and great service.

4.  Skills to make it work i.e. speak to people correctly

I would venture to say most of us do well with 1, 2 maybe 3 but fall short with #4.  In order to be successful in MLM we must recognize that people make up your mind about joining you before you even speak to them. Let that sink in. People make up their mind before you speak to them.  The words you use make all the difference in closing prospects and losing prospects.  After I learned this I quickly realized I can be part of the 1% club and so can you. My proposal is very simple. Join my organization its only $59 one time fee and I  will share the Ninja like skills you need to be successful in my organization or any other organization you are part of. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Plus I have a great story to share that will inspire you. Txt or email me today and lets connect.

This article was published on 30.08.2016 by Javier Bueno
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Im looking for serious, motiva
Im looking for serious, motivated and hardworking individual who want to join a great team .Must have a computer and 10-15 hours a week to commit. 

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I want to help you quite your day job and create an income stream from your phone and laptop from anywhere in the world! Be flexible to do the things that bring you joy!

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