Crowd1 online marketing business
Crowd1 is the world biggest online profit sharing company working in the sphere of advertising, the company has grown up to + 6000 000 within a space of one year. In crowd1, you at liberty to buy shares ranging from R1800 white package, R5500 black package,R14500 gold packageand R43000 titanium package , therefore any holder of these packages will get paid every 3 months based on the company's profit.But,there are other various bonuses you can just by referring 4 membere into the business, once registered the 4th member you get to unlock your bonus and vmevery new member thereafter earns you cash depending on the package they bought,the bigger the package,the bigger the bonus you earn.impossible is nothing.
Once u hv joined the busines ustand a chance to make profit within 14 days after u hv joined,this profit u get is called fear of loss *coz it relieves the fear that u had when joining the business* u get this profit by inviting 4 ppl to join under ur team ,and we assist u to get these ppl u dnt work alone, u can arrange presentation then we come and present the business to ur crowd that u hv invited to listen, then they join and you start earning.
Beside the profit I mentioned above, u also get paid for the shares that bought every 3 months, just like we going to be paid on the 15 of September 2020, again in December, Every 3 months u get paid. And every person who join after you world wide earns u more cash even if they not under ur team. So even if u join today you will get paid
We work as a team until u start earning.this is a great business. Employed or not unemployed u always earn extra cash. Let's help each other grow the team and earn money.
Buy White 99(+-R1800)
Get profit share worth 200, once-off
Get streamline bonus weekly up to 10
Residual bonus 5% of the company monthly profit. White will only take you to level 4 and not above
Buy Black 299(+-R5500)
Get profit share worth 600, once-off
Streamline bonus weekly up to 75
Residual bonus 5% of company monthly profit.
Black will only take you to level 8 and not above Buy Gold 799(+-R14500)
get Profit share worth 2000, once-off
Streamline bonus weekly up to 250
residual income 10% of company monthly profit
Gold will only take you to level 12 and not above Buy Titanium 2499(+-R43 000)
Get profit share worth 7000, once-off
Streamline bonus weekly up to 1000,
Residual income 10% of company monthly profit. Titanium is the only Pack to take you to 15/15 provided you personally sponsored 15 people. Package Costs
1 - R1800 / 99 (white)
2 - R5500 / 299 (black)
3 - R14500 / 799 (gold)
4 - R43000 / 2499 (titanium)
Once the Pack has been chosen your sponsor will facilitate the payment of your package. Allow guidance and be willing to be guided as a new member.
Payment Methods Preferred:
1 - Gift Code
2 - Bitcoins
Once paid and activated get your link and start growing your business. Share your Crowd1 business presentation or marketing material with potential prospects.