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33 Different Web Tools - An All Builder

Sales funnel technique is a very important methodology in helping you design a complete online sales process for getting leads and nurturing them along the way.  In today's highly competitive online business era, you can hardly plan your online business without sales funnel processing. 

That's why an online platform builder called Builderall is created to address the difficulties of the sales funnel creation very objectively. 

Have you ever heard of ClickFunnels as an online platform builder tool? Builderall, as its competitor, does the same, except with more technical functions and capabilities that work wonders for many budding online entrepreneurs. It started as a new platform builder 2 years ago in JVZoo in July 2017. Since then, it has been used and marketed super aggressively. From a very simple and modest sales funnel and web creator tool, it has since added more tools, such as the chatbot, e-Commerce, WhatsApp messaging and many other tools.

Let's see how much Builderall has progressed as a valuable web tool. Personally, I started using Builderall in November 2018. Previously, I was a user of ClickFunnels. I did it quite reluctantly actually as I had to "migrate" all my funnels in ClickFunnels into Builderall. In fact, it was a complete tear down there and rebuild everything from scratch in Builderall. 

To date, I have already 16 different funnels done up using Builderall already. When I first joined Builderall in November 2018, it had no more than what competitor ClickFunnels had:

  • Web creator tool
  • Sales funnel complete creator tool (i.e. landing page, thank you page, email marketing integrator tool etc.)
  • Email marketing tool called MailingBoss
  • On-Page SEO setup function
  • Affiliate marketing 2-tier function

Mos of these were already present in ClickFunnels. Since then, to date, 8 months have passed, it has progressively expanded its technical capabilities to include (as of July 2019):

  • Facebook chatbot
  • Sitebot
  • Social proof software (think of Useproof)
  • Instagram autoresponder
  • e-Commerce tool
  • Canvas (sales funnel mapping creator)

The Canvas is the main juice of Builderall as it helps you cut down your sales funnel building processes by 5 minutes! This is really the best thing that Builderall with all its added functions can do!

Get Builderall here

Builderall can now integrate with WordPress even though it's not known for its separate hosting and content management system tool.

You see the expanding and progressive value of Builderall an be explained in 1 function which bears its "democratic" principles called the RoadMap.

Why this RoadMap is the seed of all value creation in Builderall is because it listens to inputs from its own members to improve and further enhance its functions. The RoadMap feature enables users to suggest future tools that Builderall can embed and install to make it an all-rounder. The owner Erick Salgado is often willing to get all these suggestions and inputs from members to strive for continuous improvement in order o keep abreast of technological changes and changing market expectations.

And he has been doing that as promised so far. Though not perfect as always, but compared with competitors, Builderall is actually about 3 times or more lower at only $49.90 per month or $69.90 per month to get the business function.

With such amazing tools integrated into Builderall such as the chatbot, e-Commerce and Instagram messaging, coupled with affiliate marketing opportunity for every user to earn from promoting, Builderall is certainly the perfect online creator tool that all budding online entrepreneur must possess. 

Someone ever mistook the name of Builderall as All Builder. Indeed, Builderall is like what its inverted name suggests - an All Builder! 

Get Builderall here and work with me now.

This article was published on 26.07.2019 by Daryll Ang
Author's business opportunity:

Builderall - Digital marketing, 70 USD to join

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