Inspiring Others and Pruving It Everyday
This is me. Raw and unfiltered. I let my weight get out of control. I lost control of my feelings. I lost control of my health. But I'm taking ME back! Yes its hard... Yes it's a long process... No theres not an instant fix! I found a product that makes it easier... and I stress easier, not easy for me. I drink a simple drink daily... sometimes twice. Overtime I've changed my diet to healthier eating because that's what I crave! Now I'm transitioning to a more keto friendly/low carb diet.
When I started this journey in Oct last year it was obvious I didn't feel well. I was tired, depressed, extremey overweight, and unhappy. Today I have more energy, I'm not as tired, and am overall a happier mom and wife! No I'm not where I want to be... but I will get there! I'm happy to say I've lost 45 lbs and 4 sizes so far! About half way to my goal, but everyone starts somewhere!
So here's to all of us looking for better! You've got this! It is possible! Just reach for it!
As for this amazing company...Pruvit. This company is what is inspiring me to find my better. Not just the products we promote, but the community behind the products! We lead with education and inspire personal growth whether that is financial, physical or emotional.
We are the first of our kind... The Category Kings! We lead the Ketone Conversation!
I came into this company as a medical professional not knowing much about the benefits of nutritional ketosis and had no idea that you could drink ketones! Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out this quick video that explains ketones and ketosis!
I decided to give it a shot and never looked back. From my second drink, I knew that if for nothing else other than sustained endurance to drive home after working a 14 hr hell shift over night without hitting a semi, this was worth every penny.
Now I don't pay for my own personal consumption of products and haven't pretty much since I started unless there is a new release item or new flavor, I earn commissions, and potential for bonuses are there, including a monthly car bonus! This company makes these easy to reach for everyone including a busy mom of 2 who works a full time night shift job and still manages her kids medical conditions and extracurricular activities and tutoring.
So I ask you... Who is ready for better? Who is ready to change lives?
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