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How to get 100 NEW People Looking at Your Opportunity Every Week!

How do you get 100 NEW people looking at your opportunity every week?

Simple... one word... telephone.

I phone from lists that I purchase and ones that I 'mine' on my own doing google searches. I target other Network Marketers and other people who wnat to make more money or have a home based business.

I recently called a gentleman whose name I got from a linkedin search. I introduced myself, told him the reason for my call and asked if he would be open to looking at a good opportunity with me.

He 'thanked me' for my call and explained that he was getting ready to retire and that he was with XYZ Company and his last month's pay check was $79,000. He said he wished more people would learn to use the phone (I presume he was talking about his down-line).

He respected me for calling. It set me apart from the rest and it can set you apart from the rest. Since then I've talked to several other multi-million dollar MLM earners and they all used the phone.

So how do you get 100 NEW people looking at your opportunity every week?

When I make my calls I find I mostly get answering machines so I leave a message with my website (not the best web site in the world) and here's how it works...

For every 180 messages I leave I get 136 UNIQUE visitors to my website... that's about 100 UNIQUE visitors for every 130 messages I leave.

Here's the simple part of this... I can leave about 100 simple messages an hour. Do that a few times a week and you'll have no problem keeping your 'funnel' full.

When you get a 'live' person on the phone the question is simple after you've introduced yourself, "are you open to taking a look at a good opportunity with me?"

Is it producing me results??? Absolutely!!! All but one of the people that I've sponsored into my business has come by using the phone (the other was through an ad).

It's simple, it's easy!

I'm going to be making calls Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons Pacific time. If you want to spend a bit of time on the phone with me to hear what I say, contact me and I'll 3-way you in for some of the calls.

Here's to everyone's success in 2017!!!



>>Take a Peek<<

This article was published on 24.01.2017 by Bob Broughton
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