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Average Number of Days of a Network Marketer = 87 days

Did you know that the average number of days a person stays as a network marketer? It's $87 days. Why? Because they end up spending more than they make. I know their products are probably great! Sure you can buy lots of products that you may need right now, but do you really need them every month? I've been in a few and I have a lot of really great products. They have really improved my life, but you know what I had to keep on spending and buying more to get to the next level and when I got there I got a little kick back, but it did not end up improving my bottom line. 

Let's have a real conversation here: what is the MLM that you are in right now costing you, really? $30, $40, $90, $200 a month or more and is it really making you more than you spend? Are you ready to commit that kind of money to those products every month? And is everyone in your downline ready to do that? What does your MLM compensate you with for every product you buy 10% maybe 20%? But even if it was 90% would you still be making money or even breaking even? Is that going to bring you success? Do the math run the numbers? Is what you are doing really making sense? Is that the kind of network market you want to be in or would like to be in a network that makes you more and saves you more than you spend? 

The only way to do make a lot of money with products is to sell more than you buy and in the end someone is paying for that. How much of your product do people really need? Once again do the math. Who is really making a lot of money? 

What of instead you made money on everyday purchases and what if you made money on the everyday purchases of those in your network? 

How do we do that? Our product is a state of the art fully secure card - allows you to put all your cards on one and then our bank saves you on processing fees (coming soon). So when you swipe your card or anyone else does in your network you make money! Simple, right. Think about our business model. Does it make sense? I know it does!

Also look at our compresation plan! There is nothing else like it that I know of: It's simple a 3x10 compression compensation plan: Plus over 375,000 discount all linked to one card for all your puchases. It knows where you are and sends your discounts to you. Be prepared to save more than you pay. 

The best part is that we are still in pre-launch and you can get in at the ground floor. What does that mean? Well what if you could have gotten in at the ground floor of facebook, amazon, microsoft. Think of what that would have meant to you, your family, and the ones you love. Think of what that can mean to you and your family if you get into something big right now! Timing is everything! Don't delay. 

This company has positioning itself for sucess. We own the a technology that was originally created for Google and it is going to be Big, very Big! Today alone 286,000 people are being added to the network. Do you want to have a position near the top or join much later? Think about it, and join now. Make sure you use the link above that has my name as your sponosor you won't find anyone much higher in the company.  Make sure you use the Promo code "revvcard" for the reduced price (soon to expire) and don't let this opportunity pass you by. It may be the best $38 investment you ever made! What do you have to lose?

This article was published on 24.06.2019 by Joshua Hersh
Author's business opportunity:

Unique Financial Opportunity - Financial Services, 38 USD to join

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