FM World Business Opportunity
Thank you for your interest in FM!
FM has over 1000 products, the best known and biggest seller is the designer inspired perfumes which are loved by many, including celebrities! But there are loads of household products, cosmetics & make up, slimming & supplements, and so much more, all at very affordable prices!
You can view the website here for full product range.
About FM World: FM was originally established in Poland in 2004 and today FM World products are known and appreciated on six continents! FM aims to deliver high quality products at attractive prices directly to the customers. The company is growing at an insane rate right now with an imminent launch in Australia and planed launch in the USA in 2021.
Best of all, it's absolutely free to join FM – no ongoing cost either & free to leave.
What's in it for you?
Work where, when and how much you want - build your own business on your own terms. There is no pressure; all you need is your phone and wifi!
You make daily instant sales profits (30%) and monthly bonuses and commission from day 1.
Opportunity to qualify for fast start bonuses (up to £1200 in the UK).
20 different ways to earn
You can have up to 12 accounts in your name in which you can earn all the residual and bonuses on all over again
Get paid infinity levels down 100% of your totally volume
Up to 18% commission on team sales
Get a share in the worldwide turnover - the higher you go the bigger the share
No high personal sales targets only £20 (UK) of products a month to qualify for team commission!!
Leader legs to move you up to the higher compensation plan do not have to be frontline this means you can work with anyone in your structure!
Over 1000 products that are affordable and EU registered so you can recommend them with confidence.
Free shop link for customers and your own free website!
Optional starter kits (starting from £13.50 in the UK)
Earn incentive trips
Car plans as you build your business
Full support and lots of training is available, you'll be a part of well-established team!
If you are interested & would like to know more, let me know!
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