Introduction to Playing In The Berry Patch
Hello! My name is Jamie Clyde and I am an Independent Play Advisor with Discovery Toys! I just want to take this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself and my business.
About 9 years ago after having my second child, I was invited to a friend’s house for a Discovery Toys party!
Having a 2 year old and a new born at home I was more than ready for a mom's night out and so I went, even though I had no idea what Discovery Toys were or what they would come to mean in my life.
Long story short I fell in love with the products that night! Not only were the toys colorful and interesting, but I discovered that they were chalked full of learning! Every toy held within it an opportunity for my child to grow either emotionally, mentally, or physically. As a mother of two young children what more could I ask for in a toy?
Well how about a satisfaction guarantee and the opportunity to purchase replacement parts for select items! Yep they've got that!
How about open-ended play where imaginations can run wild and nothing is impossible? Check and check!
What about safety standards that are above and beyond those required by the United States or Canada? Bingo they’ve got that too!
Well after placing my order that night, I went home and I kept thinking about my children and the impact these products would have on their lives. And it was shortly after that party that I decided I wanted to help other families fill their children's toys boxes with educational resources instead of battery operated stuff! And so I did!
And here I am 9 years and 2 more children later still filled with just as much love for the Discovery Toys products.
But what I found these 9 years was not just quality products, but a company that truly supports it's consultants and cares about it's customers. I found a family filled with other women and men who share my passion for learning through play and helping others. A family that supports, encourages, and gives it to you straight when your making excuses. It is this very family that I hope to share with you.
Whether you are interested in joining me on this quest to bring educational resources into the homes of others, or you are in need of these resources for the children in your life, I want you to remember that playtime does matter!
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