about benard
Hi everyone and welcome, am happy to write to you about myself. my name is benard mutale from zambia, i was born and grew up from a low class family of eight in a small town of southern province of zambia. I only manged to attain the primary goal of my education at one of the secondary schools in choma town of southern province and was not able to go further in a college or university study due to financial problems.
In my early age of twelve i became passionate in becoming a medical doctor and i grew up with this ambition to be a doctor by profession. As a little boy i used to read books rich in sciences, biology and was squinted on how and why disease? so many of us suffer disease because we do not know how to take care of ourselves in the way we eat and drink thus what we call health, for one to be health it starts with diet. The food we eat and what we do is what makes us who we are and what we look like. Having a balanced diet is not about coming up with the most and delicious or rich food before you on the table, but rather the food we eat should provide us with all the essentials for the wellbeing of our body.
The body is a life time working machine which needs service by feeding it with the right food or supplement, which can provide it with the energy to under go daily tasks and proteins to replace worn out tissues and vitamins for protection against diseases by boasting the immune system, which makes the defensive mechanism in the body. without the right supplementation for the body it becomes weak and tender to disease.
This is the reason why we must be courteous in everything we do and what ever we eat being sure that we do not injure body system so that it can endure disease and work 24/7 without much problems, just like any other machine needs service and so does the body. according world health organization a person should have seven servings of fruits and seven servings of vegetables daily by doing so the body will be healthy energetic, strong enough to under take any task of the day with a clear mind.
over the years i have devoted my self in researching and learning through nature and books in order to under how this natural machine works and what makes it vulnerable to attacks by diseases and viruses. there so factors which bring injure to the body and among them are, unhealthy life style like smoking which can cause cancer, medicinal side effect, if i have headache the first thing that clicks my mind is to take pills or tablets for pain relief but the matter of fact is that drugs have side effect and should not be taken any how without prior advise from the doctor. unlike drugs meaning all medicines we have products which offers thousand of phytonutrients, plants based nutrients a high quality nutrition supplement giving vitamins , minerals and mineral traces at optimum level therefor boasting the immune system.
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