The Fastest Growing Global MLM Company
Want to Be a Part of The Fastest Growing Global MLM Company?

As Mr. T Puts it, "I pity the fool who hasn't joined us yet!"
As of 4 months of launch, LiveGood has amassed 220,000 members worldwide to become the Fastest Growing Global MLM Company.
It took nearly 3 months to get to the first 100,000 members and in the past 30+ days another 100,000 members have joined the ranks as LiveGood Independent Distributors.
The big questions might be why? These might also be ones you are wondering that can help you make your decision to give LiveGood a try as well.
Here are some huge LiveGood Facts why People are signing up by the Thousands Daily:
- Low entry fee ($40 USD one time) and monthly membership ($9.95 or $99 annually!)
- High quality products with low product pricing
- Multivitamins (for him or for her) ($10 member price /$18 retail price)
- Magnesium ($9 member price /$18 retail price)
- Plant Based protein ($22 member price /$34 retail price)
- Super Greens ($18 member price /$30 retail price)
- Super Reds ($18 member price /$30 retail price)
- CBD Oil (for humans and pets) ($18 member price /$28 retail price and $14/$22 respectively for the pet)
- Coffee ($18 member price /$29 retail price)
- Essential amino acids ($20 member price /$30 retail price)
- Joint and inflammation management ($19 member price /30 retail price)
- Energy booster ($18 member price /$28 retail price)
- Youth and skin serum ($15 member price /$25 retail price)
- No Auto-ship or purchasing requirements needed to maintain your rank
- No sponsoring requirements and you can still earn on team growth over time
- Recently added Germany distribution center to reduce shipping times and costs and expanding to do the same in Africa as well
- Multiple weekly live training, education and rank up recognition events held by the founders and company leaders
- They are OK if you also promote other products on the side, so there is no exclusivity needed to add LiveGood as another stream of business income in your portfolio
The LiveGood Compensation Plan and Getting Paid
LiveGood has 6 ways to earn income as you continue to grow and rank up with the company
- Retail sales: You earn 50% of the difference between the retail and wholesale prices of any item
- Influencer bonus: The retail commissions can go as high as 100% of the difference between retail and wholesale if you sell a lot of volume to customers monthly
- Fast Start commissions: When you sponsor someone you earn 50% of what they paid to join which is $20 of the $40 one time fee AND $5 of the $9.95 on the first month of membership
- Matrix commissions: Starting on the second month in which any member is part of the matrix, you earn $0.25/person below you. This is regardless of where they are in the matrix and/or who sponsored them or placed them. Earn up to $2047.50 even without ever sponsoring another person (if you matrix completely fills down all 12 levels below you!)
- Matching check bonuses: When you sponsor someone, you earn a 50% matching check bonus on anything that person earns on the matrix commission. For example if they earned $250 in the matrix, you would get a $125 matching bonus due to their efforts.
- Diamond pool: As you continue to rank to the highest level, Diamond members split a share in 2% of all company sale each month.
Many of the above examples also pay lower percentages on levels/generations deep into your team. For example if you sponsor someone who then later sponsors someone else you can also earn additional bonuses for their fast start commissions, retail sales and more.
LiveGood has a free 5 minute video tour of the business and how they are disrupting the industry which you can check out here:
Come take a look and pre-enroll to learn more and join us in the fastest growing global mlm!
Let's do this!
Dave Gardner