Finally a honest online business with great possibilities
After years of joining opportunities and investing hundreds of dollars to first get the investment working and second to advertise it online only so that when you really start to make progress, the website goes down or your account just disappears. There goes your hard earned money, hopes and dreams. Well my search is now over. What would you say if I told you that this online business will not cost you anything. That’s right. Not one cent. There is an amount of money you need to use for only 30 days and you get your money back. You post 100 dollars and you make 150 dollars. The following month you do the same. Use your original 100 dollars and again you make 150 dollars. Now you have earned $100 clear and you have your original 100 dollars back but that’s not the exciting part.
After the end of the month your funds ($150 dollars) are converted to a crypto currency that is guaranteed to be valued at a certain price and it never goes down in value. This month the guarantee minimum value is $30 dollars. When I first started this business it was at $12.50. The best part is that if you can get 100 tokens, it should have a value of over a million dollars. We all know that the u s dollar is collapsing. Your money will be safe because it’s in crypto currency.
Now another great thing is that the owner of this opportunity says that the value of this crypto currency should be at triple digits by Christmas. So 10 tokens could be worth $10,000 dollars.
Also at the end of the month you are automatically entered into the company lottery where this month the top prize is over $3000 dollars. This lottery is absolutely free. There are also hundreds of smaller prizes too.
This is what I do. The idea is to accumulate as many tokens as possible so every month I stake my pools with new money instead of using my earnings. By doing this I have accumulated over 35 tokens at $30 each.
I will help you from start to whenever you have a question. I now make over a hundred dollars a month just because I shared this business with others. Now I’m making $150 profit plus I get my $100 dollars that I use to stake my pools. $250 dollars a month from just staking 100 dollars to make $5 a day.
The only things you have to do to earn $5 a day is to first stake all six pools for a total of 100 dollars.
Login to your account every day.
Read any message you might have.
Post a free message three times a month. You can advertise your other online business for free if you want.
That’s it unless you want to share this opportunity with others and make new friends and make up to $10 dollars for everyone you share this opportunity with and the do what you and I do. Today is the 23rd. I want to show you my earnings so far this month.
Transaction Status
Show entriesSearch:
ID Type USD Closing Balance Reward Date Status Deion Processing Date Transaction Date
1 + 5 218.3 2020-09-24 00:55:10 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-24 00:55:10
2 + 5 213.3 2020-09-23 04:06:21 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-23 04:06:21
3 + 5 208.3 2020-09-22 18:58:33 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-22 18:58:33
4 + 5 203.3 2020-09-21 01:51:51 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-21 01:51:51
5 + 5 198.3 2020-09-20 12:19:22 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-20 12:19:22
6 + 5 193.3 2020-09-19 00:56:45 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-19 00:56:45
7 + 5 188.3 2020-09-18 04:11:01 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-18 04:11:01
8 + 5 183.3 2020-09-17 00:15:00 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-17 00:15:00
9 + 5 178.3 2020-09-16 01:24:43 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-16 01:24:43
10 + 5 173.3 2020-09-15 00:13:23 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-15 00:13:23
11 + 5 168.3 2020-09-14 15:56:48 pending Daily login reward for pool 6 members 2020-09-14 15:56:48
12 +
You see it’s up to $218.30 dollars so far. By the end of the month I should have about $250 dollars that will be converted to this crypto currency tokens and I can use my earnings to post all 6 pools for next month or I can just use new money and accurate my tokens. I rather accumulate as many tokens as possible. This is a very easy online business to manage and if you do it right, could make you a millionaire.
So please come and join me then contact me so I can help you get setup and running.
Here is the sign up link. My username is Gatekeeper.
I’ll work with you to earn a lot of money and friends.