The New York Optimist Weekly Online Magazine
Hello Business Friends,
I Publish and Own an Online Magazine Called The New York Optimist.
After 11 years of business We Have Helped a number industry leaders send their Message Out to Thousands of Readers globally every week. Artists, Travel, Design and Dining are just a few of the subjects we cover.
Using organic marketing and social networking for the past 11 years we have been able to create an audience of readers who are professional, educated and affluent.
We Skew heavily towards a female audience and that has been a powerful key to our success and finding success for our clients.
Some of the services we offer are Artists representation, Writing Articles for Business's, Public Relations On all the major Social Networks, Branding and Consulting Business to Business to Help increase and build your company and its brand.
The Artists we work with are Some Of The Most well Known and Talented Academic Painters, Sculptors and Multi Media Artists from All over the world. Send me a message here if your an Artist and my team and I will have a look and possibly feature your work and share it on a number of network Platforms.
Dining, Interior Design and Travel have also been a strong source of content working with The Biggest names in the business Architectural Digest, The Library Hotel Collection, Fushimi, Chou Chou, are some of the Restaurants, Hotels, and Interior Design Clients we have worked with but also work with many up and coming names in these industries.
I am also a Artist / Painter / Multi Media Artist. I am currently working with a private company from France which is representing my work
You can View My Recent series of paintings which is still in progress here
Max Laniado Fine Arts
Finally writing is also something I have been doing since a very young age and I am Currently working on a very fun and exciting screen play which I will be optioning to a well known production company over the next few months.
Please Send me a message and let me help get the word out about your business or skills.
John Sebastian