Many people have seen the name SFI (Strong Futures International), but have not really explored what SFI offers them in terms of long-term residual income and sales commissions. So I am issuing a 30 Day Challenge to anyone that is interested in building a new income stream. This challenge is for 30 days, and NO MONEY is required. Just give it 1-2 hours each day for the 30 day period. If you apply what you learn, you will see results in this short of a time. I know, because I did!
What I get from you:
*A potential Team Leader.
*A potential friend.
What you get:*Full personal support from me in answering any questions.
*Articles and tips for generating sales.
*Tutorials and follow-up advice to attract new members and mentor your own team.
*Getting started lessons.
*In depth tips and how-to's for starting your SFI business.
*A great tutorial to advertise your SFI business, including example letters, s, and more.
*Professional instruction on how to start and run a profitable online business.
*Valuable insights, tips, shortcuts and more from fellow SFI members.
*SFI President and Founder, Gery Carson, answers your questions in SFI's Forum.
*Support desk at SFI Headquarters.
*The latest SFI news, announcements, and special alerts.
*SFI provides products and services for you to advertise, earning commission from sales.
*Easy to understand: Benefits Chart, Compensation Plan, Calculator and Report that projects your future earnings in SFI, and also a monthly Commissions Report.
*SFI has several ways to receive your commissions.
*Free Marketing Aids.
*92 Marketing Methods.
*Contests and Drawings.
*Hit Tracking so you can see the results of your marketing efforts.
To recap, you pay NO MONEY to join. There are NO HIDDEN FEES, and NO REQUIRED AUTO-SHIPS. Work through the lessons provided and apply what you learn. Explore the site and follow the instructions provided on each page. This allows you, at the end of 30 days to make a well-informed decision to stay or to opt out. (If you opt out you will not be contacted again. SFI takes SPAM very seriously and respects your privacy.)
Let's get started TODAY at
Marilyn Isaacs
SFI Silver Team Leader
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