looking for a home based business or want to grow your business?
What questions do you ask when you want to earn a second income and see all of these sparkly opportunities on the internet?
Personally I’ve worked the 9-5 grind even though I was getting in at 7 and leaving at 7 my company just let me carry on without even offering a thank you when I decided to leave. I’ve also worked with commission based companies where it is supposed to be based upon your own efforts, the only problem is that this is never regular its this month and not next but then all of a sudden 3 months money comes in and so on. I decided that what I needed to do was to try and do is find a way to drive more traffic to our lead generation website in order to get more customers, the trouble is that method is both expensive and haphazard at best with pay per click etc. I even tried getting someone to build all of the components to generate more leads but this was a ridiculous price which I wasn’t prepared to pay. UNTIL I came across what I see as the perfect business model. Why is this different to everything else?
Firstly, you can choose to be passive or active but obviously if you choose to be active then you would achieve your financial goals quicker. The system is fully automated so it becomes a plug and play system so you don’t need to be a techy. The company will set you up with your own domain and build you a website, to which it will then drive traffic but not simply pay per click, as its forte is driving specific targeted traffic and then any customers that show interest are then closed by the company which they then pay you for and in turn builds you a recurring monthly income.
The company has created from scratch over 50 digital tools and products so that ANYONE who does anything online can take advantage of superior products at a far lower price point where instead of paying this provider for that tool and that provider for this tool everything is under ONE ROOF.
Its like getting paid to use social media or your email or even video conferencing!!!!
To me this sounded to good to be true but rather than let it slide by I thought the best thing to do would be to at least take the time to check it out for myself so these were the questions I asked to ensure I was on the right track.
1. Do I have to pay to join this opportunity? Yes, the fee is $97 + a credit card fee of $5=$102
2. Is there a monthly fee that I would also have to pay? You would ONLY have to pay this one time. The company will be driving traffic and will create sufficient customers to cover the monthly costs from the commissions earned so yes you pay this each month BUT your commissions will more than cover the cost after you have just 3 customers so whether you find them or whether you allow the company to do this for you either way this would be covered in the first month.
3. Do I have to recruit or sell each month or is there a monthly requirement I need to achieve to keep my position in the company? NO the company does this for you. It creates your website making changes to this website every day so our websites remain at the top of the search engines. The company then drives specific targeted traffic to your website using a daily created sales funnel and then closes the sale for you, taking on a new customer enabling you to grow your team without even having to speak to any of the potential customers.
4. Are the products the company have produced, legitimate and what I mean by this is, are they legal and able to be offered and utilised in each and every country they are offered. Yes the company already has several products where patents have been accepted in the USA with many more following. In addition they have opened their books and company details to regulators in over 200 countries in order to obtain what you might call a Gold Seal of approval. In addition, It is imperative to ensure that all of the anti money laundering regulations in every country are also adhered to so our lawyers have been liaising with the relevant tax authorities to ensure these will be covered by each founder when the company launches. It will also make it easier for you to deal with your tax affairs each year.
5. Does the company have viable saleable products in other words are they necessary, in demand and is there are market place for these products ? Yes there are over 50 products being launched on a platform where ANYONE who uses the internet already would use these tools and products and therefore the potential marketplace is over 4 BILLION potential customers.
6. Do these products have longevity? Yes Each product will have additional features added regularly, with further new products being created as we move forward.
7. Am I in competition with all of the other founders of the company and is it a dog eat dog situation? Absolutely not, we are all on this journey together. It is certainly the first company I have ever come across, where all of the other founders are happy to help one another grow and achieve success where we share ideas and encourage everyone to ensure they achieve success.
8. Can I make money and when I say can I make money I mean can I create financial independence where I can choose what I want to do when I want to do them without the need to have to worry about paying for them? Yes absolutely, there are NO LIMITS you can choose to be active or passive in this business. If you decide to simply let the company build your customer base it will obviously take longer to achieve your financial goals so you can shorten this time frame by simply sharing the vision with others in order to reach your income goal quicker.
9. Once I have covered myself can I help others? Yes there are many geniuses that we already know well, the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk etcetera but our CEO has a heart for humanity and wants to help others so not only has he created OnPassive to enable ordinary people like me and you to make money but he has also created OBless which will enable each of us to be able to give back to those that are in need.
10. Can I pass this on to my children for them to benefit when I am no longer here? Absolutely we would obviously recommend that you obtain a Last Will and Testament to ensure your wishes are met but this business can be passed on to generations to come so that your children and their children will also benefit.
I then wanted to know more so I went onto YouTube and watched some of the videos about the company and I checked out the website www.onpassive.com and read all about the products and tools and the frequently asked questions and from that moment on I was hooked. Opportunities come around every so often I get that but an opportunity like this comes round in a life time and this will enable me to pass a legacy to my children. This is a CORRECTION TO THE CORUPTION.
The company is in prelaunch having released several products to the founders and is shortly to enter soft launch where we will start to see bonuses being paid for bringing on new founders. This period will last for a maximum of 90 days when we will then go into fully launch. At soft launch the price to become a founder will double from its current price of just $97 and once we enter full launch there will be no more founder positions available at all.
I am not a recruiter so I looked at various ways to build the group prior to our launch as I have a specific income goal that will enable me to retire comfortably and I know I could achieve this in ONE YEAR but one way I came across that could help me build a group was to utilise the expertise of prebuilt downline who will utilise their massive databases of people looking to build their own downline so if you are already in Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing or in the Online affiliate marketing space then this is for you just as OnPassive will save you money and increase your recurring income substantially so why not take time to ensure your future is set by checking this out for yourself.
Here is a link to OnPassive https://trimurl.co/AndyCB
And here is a link to build your own team https://www.prebuiltdownline.com/?id=andy
If you have any questions then why not get back in touch or better still email me andyb2590@gmail.com
Many thanks
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