Imagine if you could sale an Insurance product in all 50 states with no license.
If you have any experience in sales of Insurance, Financial Instruments and the like, then you will already know you need a license to sale such items and then you are limited only to the state your licensed in and in some cases your even limited to the city you can offer services in. Imagine if all of those barriers where removed and you can not only sale in all 50 states, but you could actually hire Agents, who also start their own Agencies and you earn a commission on everything thing they do. What if I told you none of this has anything to do with Net Work Marketing, but the company pays like one. What if I where to tell you all you needed to start such a business was $100. What if I told you that by having just one customer, you could potentially earn $1,000,000 per year in your first year in operation. Like most people, I was very Skeptical when I heard all of this, but I thought to myself. "How great that would be to have all of that be true. I would jump right in that." I spent years in marketing, sales, MLM and actually was one of the first people to sale Gateway computers and I did very well with that MLM. I also sold and marketed for several companies in the past. So, I completely understand MLM and all the different ways it pays out. I actually love the way it pays. So again, when I heard all of this, I kept thinking, "Man, I can see making several million with this if it's true." Well, guess what? It was all true! I wanted to let yo in on what I learned and offer you the opportunity to finally earn what I am worth. There is nothing worst then building up a team, having your commissions split off or worst the company goes belly up. None of that is of concern here, the company is a 12 year old, Solid company who provides a great service and was touted on national T.V. as a model of service. It has a A+ rating from the BBB and is one of the highest rated companies on Dun and Bradstreet. I invite you to look at the short video and then contact me if your interested.
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