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Have you ever had a member who you personally enrolled go into the witness relocation program, meaning they signed up and in a matter of a few weeks disappeared and stopped answering the phone when you called to check on them? If you haven’t had this experience yet, you’re probably very new to this industry or haven’t signed up too many people. You “will” encounter these people. We all do, but how you react to that is what’s most important.

You “will” enroll people who spend hundreds of dollars to start their home based business, who in a matter of a few weeks, sometimes a few days, will go into what I call the witness relocation program. You will try to contact them on Facebook just to be ignored. Of course they were talking to you with no issue every day prior. You will call them just to get voice mail and you will text them just to be ignored there too. And yes you will feel very upset if not angry. It is mind blowing that people will invest hundreds of dollars to start a home based business and fall off the earth in their first or second week. These same people who are your family or close friends that you’ve known for years will sign up with you and QUIT. You have to expect that and you have to expect that when you reach out to them that you’ll get ignored. Yes, it can be very hard to accept, but that’s life in our industry.

Don’t take these actions personal or too serious, and for sure, don’t let those actions ruin your friendship. These people are hiding from you because they don’t want to be bothered, lectured, scolded or other. Sometimes people sign up just to shut you up or so that you’ll leave them alone. They had no intension of ever growing a business. Some people find it hard to say “no” to people they care about. They ignore you because they don’t want to upset you or disappoint you and they don’t want to face the music of letting you down. It’s easier for them to ignore you than it is to explain why they quit or why they ever invested so much money in the first place.

There really isn’t anything you can do with these people. You can drip on them, you can meet with them for lunch or dinner, and you can have a serious talk about “them” and their dreams. If you get that meeting, talk about what they want in life and how the decision they made to join with you was a “good” decision. Other than that, you may have to move on and focus your time on those who are inviting your help. Don’t chase these people down or force them to do something they are not ready for because that will only make matters worse. You can’t turn a duck into an eagle. Let them know “you understand how they feel” and that you’re still there for them should they have a change of heart. The last thing you want to do is make them feel bad. Continue to love on them just as you would without the business opportunity. Tell them, “I understand how you feel and maybe the timing just isn’t right for you at this time.” No harm, no foul here. If they are willing to come around, they will. If not, they won’t, so let them go. Keep your friendship alive. Never stop the friendship just because he or she quits on your opportunity. Network marketing was designed for everyone, but not everyone can do it. Give them their space and focus your attention on those who invite your help. Again, it’s not easy, but you have to accept what is real and move on. Communicate with that person or people who quit about things outside of your business to make sure you don’t lose what you’ve built over the years.

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This article was published on 31.07.2016 by Richard Wyche
Member comments:

Upenyu Chaurura Excellent advice Richard. l thought because they are often called 'soft or warm targets' if l let them off the hook then it means it will be even worse with 'cold or hard' targets.  8 years ago
Corrisa Malone Good tips Richard! Work with the workers and drip info on the others until (or if) they come around again.  8 years ago

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