Crowdfunding Association
After more than 25 years in MLM, I have found an opportunity that will allow anyone to make unlimited cash. I can help you make all the money you need by helping others make all the money they need: the good news is you never have to pay it back. For a Hotline Overview call (425) 440-5164, then go to Friends this is the real deal. It can help you pay bills and get out of dept. After years of research, trail and error, at last I am making money and you will too. This is exciting and fun and I believe you will love it. You never talk to anyone, just promote the business and any follow the instructions. Crowdfunding is a relatively new concept that allows you to raise money for any cause, including yourself. It is legal, moral and ethical, which will be proven when you receive you 1099 at the end of the year. So once again I invite you to take a look and become an associate. I only costs $99.00 to start. You will be given 3 partners to share each donation with. When you have 5 people on your stage 1, you will have received your initial investment of approx. $100.00. Then you will move to stage 2 where you will receive money for the efforts of 25 people at a rate of $10.00 for a total of $250.00. Now, you are in position to move to stage 3. At this level you will be privy to 125 people helping you. At this point you have completed a cycle and you have raised approx. $2850.00. This will be repeated month after month and you can start a completely new cycle. So I make money by helping you make money, and you make money by helping other people raise money. This method of crowdfunding is called "group based crowdfunding because you become a part of a group of people all connected for the purpose to raising funds. You are now a part of the Partners for Profit Crowdfunding Association. There are more expensive entry-levels, but this is the most affordable. Have fun and make money by joining today. $99.00 now for $1000's of dollars later. I promise you, you will not be dis-satisfied. This is the best marketing platform I have seen in 25 years and I is still relatively new. Get in today and solve your income problems once and for all. Come on board, call the number, check out the web-site and become an associate now. I will always be there to help.
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