Do You Believe a Healthy Immune System Can Resist a Virus?
With this frenzy on the Coronavirus where is common sense? If your immune system is strong and your DNA strands are not broken your body has a way to be its biggest defender to viruses, illness and even cancer. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated environment. Through many years of science and research we have studies on how we can restore and repair our DNA. The power of the body to heal itself, given the proper drug free modalities. brings the body to homeostasis . Why are people so quick to jump to drugs and vaccines? Is it fear? I always look at the root cause of a health challenge not the symptoms. Please know your body has everything it needs to heal if given the proper nutrition, the proper oxygen and circulation, coupled with a DNA repair supplement.
I represent the Triple Crown of Health and Wellness. The three crowns are broken down into three categories. Oxygen and Micro-circulation, DNA Nutrition and DNA Repair and Quantum Energy. The first crown is Oxygen and Micro-circulation. Oxygen enhances the circulation system of the body and provides nourishment to our cells. This acts as both a delivery and waste removal system. Special emphasis on the micro-circulation system comprises 75 % of our circulatory system and increases oxygen concentration in the body. Due to advanced technologies and devices this oxygen and micro circulation can be enhanced in the comfort of your home. The second crown is DNA Nutrition and DNA Repair. DNA is our genetic blueprint and is responsible for what makes us unique. Now we have DNA testing that identifies our genetic variations so our nutrition can be customized just for you. Supplementation with certain nutrients addresses our predispositions for certain chronic conditions and disease states. DNA is a fragile molecule and errors in the coding and sequencing occurs over a thousand times a day in our cells. If the damage to our DNA is not repaired properly mutations and death to our cells can occur. When your DNA is strong you are healthy. The third crown is Quantum Energy. Every one of our cells communicate with a certain frequency. By applying certain wave patterns we can realign our body’s energy to attain optimal health. Everything we do is based on nature and vortex physics. ATP (energy) drives every cell in your body and now we have technology that allows us to biologically imprint ATP into a hologram or wrist band to solve many health challenges such as pain, addiction, 5G radiation etc. Interested in learning more email
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