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The Magic of Tiny Business Review- Focus On Personal Why

There are many hypes about starting a business (online or offline).  The ultimate way to get rich is starting your business.  To get a true realistic picture of being in business or starting a business, you need to read The Magic of Tiny Business by Sharon Rowe.

The book is about Sharon Rowe’s realistic account of her business.  It is humorous. It is relatable.  It is real as you can get.  She addresses her insecurities, cash flow crisis.  It is also her account of how she wanted to throw in the towel.

Biz That Will Enhance Family Life

It stresses the importance of finding your why for starting your business.  If you do not know why you are starting your business in the first place, the journey in the business can be rough.

It was relatively easier for defining her why.  She is a committed environmentalist.  Her venture to create Eco-Bags products aligned with her personal why.  Eco-Bags are cloth bags replacing plastic bags. It is a lesson to be learned that by knowing why, you will be able to discover and define purpose of your business.

Ironically, Sharon Rowe indicated that knowing your why is not only essential at the inception of your business but during your being in business.  Because every business will need to undergo transition phase.  Often those transition phases can be challenging as well as frustrating.  During those time knowing your why is crucial.

Sharon Rowe emphasizes that family needs and business needs do not have to be in competition.  Sharon Rowe started her business to escape the nine to six corporate rat race and be more available to kids.  Her business approach of putting kids first, providing a good living family and yet she has made a difference in her client’s and her employees’ lives.

Ms. Rowe’s reference to “Tiny” business does not necessarily refer to the size of the business but her desire to be present in the moment and not be overly concerned beyond eighteen-month window.  That way she is not into a lifestyle business but a tiny business.  Unique approach that may have yielded tranquility in her life.

Biz That Will Enhance Family Life

As people grow older, they wonder is a big house necessary.  Similarly, like a tiny house, a tiny business is to maintain laser focus on what is essential to purpose serving life.  She shows how she built a profitable venture that did not compromise her values.

The Magic of Tiny Business is valuable and enjoyable.  It asserts that you do not have to be BIG to be successful.  You can be successful by being “Tiny” because you are not compromising your personal why’s.

This article was published on 15.07.2020 by Prakash Kunjeer
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