I literally joined the day I turned 18 & I never thought I would be this passionate about what the financial industry has to offer me & everyone I met...
This product (IUL) that we focus & offer works wonders! My husband & I shared this product & helped hundreds of families within my Hmong community to own this policy. It's a lot harder to reach out to other communities because I am Asian & approaching other nationalities is different, but I know we can overcome this.
Indexed Universal Life (IUL), for me, is like a 3-in-1 policy. It has you covered should you die too soon, become ill, or live too long.Here is my personal story where I become so passionate about this product:
4.5 years ago, one of my very own brother was diagnosed with Sarcoma Cancer. Luckily, he owned this policy, BUT he only has $50,000 coverage to cover final expenses. This moment, was when my brother asked my husband to put this product that we praise & share about to the test. My husband submitted what was required to make a claim (you could take up to 90% of the face amount, with the living benefits this product offers) to the company. Shortly after, my brother received a letter stating that he is eligible to take $30,000 lump sum! PROVEN!! But he didn't take the $30,000 offered. He was surprised & thankful for this product that we shared to him, but regretted not getting a much higher face amount. Instead, he decided to battled cancer to the end. 2 years past & my brother was called home to God in 2016, left behind his wife, 3 little girls, 11 siblings, & a heart-broken widowed mother...
I've never imagined that out of hundreds of people I've helped shared this amazing product to - that my very own brother would be my first client to make a claim.
This is why I am super passionate about sharing this product to EVERYBODY! This is LIFE you options when you are "ALIVE" & most need it!!!
To conclude my story, I say this humbly - God has shown me so much losses, struggles, & darkness so that I may spark a light for others to see & follow. Together, I know we can help thousands more families who are searching for this product that they don't know exist.
The feeling when you know you lessen the weight off of peoples' shoulders, with them knowing they can sleep better at night, financially, should something happen to them or their loved truly heart touching. If you love helping people get the policy they truly deserve, I want you to be a part of this crusade! Don't wait, time is ticking & you could be helping yourself or your loved ones, during times of needs.