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We are brand new, ground floor and completely unsaturated!

We have 20 products over 4 ranges and are due to expand

We have so much to offer, we havent even touched the surface!

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So what are the products?

The 4 groups are:

Wellness (example):

CALM (stress support)

Contains calcium, which is one of nature’s sedatives and has a calming effect on the body. Calcium also works in conjunction with magnesium to nourish the nervous system, as a result, preventing panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Magnesium alone also has calming effects on the body.

B3 is vital for the synthesis of serotonin (happy hormone).

Zinc controls how our brain responds to stress, it works on the part of the brain responsible for mood and memory.

Compounds in lemon balm, passion flower and goji have a calming effect on the brain; as a result it deals with levels of stress and anxiety and encourages relaxation.

Weight Management (example):

NU-KETO (+drops)

It contains grapefruit which can control appetite because it contains fibre which helps us feel fuller for longer. Fibre slows down the rate at which the stomach empties. It’s also rich in nutrients and anti oxidants that boost the immune system.

Ginseng is an immune booster and an anti inflammatory. Inflammation and low immune system can hinder weight loss. It can reduce oxidative stress, as a result, increasing energy production in cells.

Guarana contains natural stimulants such as caffeine; as a result it boosts energy and improves focus. Caffeine also boosts the metabolism and it can suppress cells that aid in fat cell production, it also plays a role in slowing down fat cell production.

Maca is full of nutrients that help with building muscle, suppressing appetite and boosting the immune system.

Skin Care (example):

GLOW (face lift serum)

Contains Algae extract, this ingredient stops certain enzymes breaking down collagen in the skin and it also reduces the breakdown of hylauronic acid (keeps skin hydrated and plump) in the skin.

It is also packed with vitamins and minerals that help protect the ski, repair damage and fight signs of aging.

Contains pullulan, which has an instant tightening effect on the skin.

Contains glycerol stearate which lubricates and hydrates the skin, giving you a soft, smooth complexion.

Capric triglyceride is an anti oxidant and has anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties.

Hemp (example):


Hemp extract works on the receptors of the brain that regulate fear, anxiety and stress, common factors that hinder sleep. Cannabinoids in hemp can stimulate and increase serotonin (happy hormone) signals. It is also a powerful anti inflammatory helping with pain and it also helps our body produce more of our own natural pain killer. Pain is a big factor when it comes to sleep problems.

Melatonin is our sleep hormone, when it is dark we produce more of it because it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep, people who are stressed and anxious can have low levels of melatonin, we are topping you up!

More information, including an online brochure can be found here:

This article was published on 07.07.2021 by Tracy Davison
Author's business opportunity:

Nutonic - health and wellness, Free to join

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