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Damsel in Defense business

Hello, my name is Mary.  I am a young Nana to two beautiful granddaughters.  I work full time during the day with individuals with intellectual and mental disabilities.  I have been very fortunate that I have not been a victim of much violence in my life.  I see violence all over the news and it scares me to even think about what this world will be like in another five years.  I want to be part of a mission that will help equip, empower and educate woman on keeping themselves safe.  I want to be able to teach my granddaughters that they can be anything they want yet, be strong and confident that they will be able to protect themselves if they run into a dangerous situation.  Which leads me to why I became an Independent Damsel pro with Damsel in Defense.  I became an Independent Damsel Pro with Damsel in Defense because I feel that everyone should be able to protect themselves against violence.  I also love the Damsel in Defense mission and the fact that they donate money out of certain sales to assist in funding houses to help those that are victims of Sexual and Human trafficking, which we all know is a growing concern in the United States.  Damsel currently has two houses they assist with funding and the hopes are to have another house open in the next year.  They also donate a portion of their Safe Hearts line to help fund counseling services for children who are victims of sexual assault.  Damsel in Defense has a product for everyone.  We have a Safe Hearts line of books for children to help teach them about different dangers that may pop up in their every day life, such as grooming, internet safety and firearm safety.  We sell conceal carry purses, RFID protected wallets, stun guns, pepper sprays, striking tools, roadside emergency tools and clothing.  We also have a couple of emergency whistles that double as very cute necklaces as well.  We do have a small line of items for men behind the mission as well.  I am always looking for people to join my team and help me in educating others in self protection.  Please help me get the women in your life equipped, empowered and educated on self protection.  You can shop or join Damsel in Defense at  Thank you for taking the time to read about Damsel in Defense.

This article was published on 29.11.2019 by Mary Weich
Author's business opportunity:

Damsel in Defense - Woman's Self Protect, 99 USD to join

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