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If You're Looking to Make 6 Figures in Your MLM Business...

Everyone's objective in MLM is to make more money. This part is very obvious.

Very few however will make the type of money that will completely change their life.

For some, $5k a month is life changing. 

For others, $10k/month or $20k or $35k. It really comes down to the individual.

But if your goal is either $100k per year or $100k per month, there's one thing that needs to happen.

And that's simply the idea that you have to be able to follow and implement the advice and wisdom of people that have already achieved those results.

And according to one of those people by the name of Todd Falcone, he has the exact wisdom that people need to start making 6 figures either per month or per year in their businesses. 

And if you want to hear 17 of his highlighted laws for generating 6-figures in this business, you can click here to gain access to the free value packed recording.

Todd has 17 Highlighted laws that you need to put in place if 6-figures monthly or yearly is your goal.

Rule #1: The Foundation of Your Success is Based on Your Beliefs

Rule #2: Immersing Yourself in Success.

Rule #3: Practice Makes You a Pro.

Rule #4: Focus on the Activities that Make You Money, MOST of the Time.

Rule #5: Teamwork DOES make the dream work

Rule #6: Eyes Like a Hawk

Rule #7: Make Room.

Rule #8: Conquer Your Calendar.

Rule #9: Recognition Increases Motivation.

Rule #10: Be Genuinely Interested. Not Interesting.

Rule #11: Ask Better Questions

Rule #12: Referrals Only Come to Those Who Ask.

Rule #13: Keep it SIMPLE for Your New People.

Rule #14: Create Sticky Customers

Rule #15: Take Responsibility for Yourself.

Rule #16: People Do what People See.

Rule #17: Soak and Apply.

These are the 17 Irrefutable laws that Todd has created that has allowed him to consistently earn multiple 6-figure and 7 figure years in his business.

But just saying them isn't enough. You need to hear the explanation behind each of Todd's laws to really understand why he's able to create the results he has in his business.

To get the full details of these 17 irrefutable laws, click here to get access to Todd's value packed recording of building your business to 6 figures.

The amount of money you make is likely going to associate with how many of these laws you put in place for your own business. 

It's not essential for all of these to be implemented, but if creating major life changing wealth is your desire, it will be important to implement as many of these as possible into your business.

This article was published on 26.08.2021 by Kevin Williams
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